Friday, October 13, 2006

what about craver?

Did you see the move What About Bob? A psychiatrist's needy patient oversteps his boundaries and follows the doctor, ruining his family vacation. There was a scene where psychiatrist Dr. Leo Marvin's wife expressed shock that the doctor would slam the door in Bob's face. But the doctor (without even looking) said Bob would still be there. Whereupon, Dr. Marvin opened the door, and sure enough, there stood Bob. I've been finding really interesting people here, in blogworld, sometimes leaving comments. I just hope that I don't end up being the "Bob" standing outside your screen door, driving you insane. On second thought... Why should I be the only crazy one. Dr. Marvin! Dr. Leo Marvin!


Jen said...

Ah, but you have to remember we're the ones seeking out you , not the other way around...

Margaret Feinberg said...

Blogging and Bob....Hmm. Do you think Bob would ever really be a blogger?????

Anonymous said...

If a blogger writes a blog in the forest and no one is there to comment, does the blog really exist? :)

Craver Vii said...

In reverse order:
Of course! Probably not. And hmmm...

Even So... said...

Craver, I enjoy your presence over at my blog, and at other blogs I frequent...

I like you as a blog writer, I like you as a blog commenter...

Now, to the matter at hand. To me "What about Bob?" was awful. I just deleted a bunch of other things I wrote about it, but they were just repeating the same thing...Oh yeah, I can't stand that movie...

Craver Vii said...

Awww, even so..., too kind. Your blog demonstrates spiritual maturity and intelligence, but since you don't like this movie, clearly you have no taste, so where does that leave me now?
Thanks for the conference notes! It would have been great to be there live! The next time we visit my parents near Orlando, maybe I'll try to swing over and visit your church. If there's time, we could rent a movie. I know this great comedy...

Jennifer said...


I'm glad you found mine - and now that I've finally gotten around to updating my links, I'll be back! :)
Baby steps to the comment button; baby steps to the comment button...


Even so.......all I can do is shake my head. Tsk.

L.L. Barkat said...

My guess is that people with blogs have less boundaries to begin with... can you imagine, for instance, a blog from Dick Cheney? (btw, don't stand outside his screen... I imagine you could get arrested for that)

Craver Vii said...

Hel.l.o; thanks for dropping by. That's a thought provoking picture of seedlings in stone. I'm sure there's a profound comment to be made if I could just find the words. Ah well, that's what poets are for.