One reason for this affection of mine, is that after a hard winter, spring begins to bloom. And especially when it’s been a brutally tough winter, the bursting forth of life with its colors, sounds and smells, (inhaling deeply) aaaaahhh, it’s so invigorating!! There is a feeling of appreciation for spring that bubbles over; you don’t have to try to notice; it’s just there!
I said that to say this:
I used to work in retail. One year, Easter snuck-up on me. I must have been too caught up in my work and the Lenten season was practically ignored. When Easter Sunday came, there was something missing. Nothing was different about the historical event, or Sunday service, or how my brothers and sisters were celebrating. The difference was in me.
I knew in my mind that the day was special, but looking at the uncontainable enthusiasm of my churchmates, I realized that their preparation had an effect on the day. That effect was like the soul’s slingshot aimed up towards the sky… the deeper the preparation, the higher the exhilaration.
I hope you don’t see me as a simpleton being swept away by shallow emotions, but instead, won’t you join this simpleton as he invests his affections on heavenly things?
If you’re fasting, you probably want to keep that between you and God, but maybe you can share good ideas about how to we might observe lent. For example, Charity has Lenten meditations.
I wonder, really, how one can ever prepare the heart for the tragedy and exultation of Easter. Maybe it is good to look at how Jesus prepared the twelve and the women.
I guess I don't think I'm ever fully prepared for Easter, but I have had experiences of being terribly underprepared, like Craver describes.
One thing that Jesus did to prepare his disciples for the cross and the empty tomb was to promise them they would be comforted on the other side. I find great peace in knowing the Spirit is guiding us through this season.
I suspect you're no simpleton. Your point is in fact rich with wisdom -
"...looking at the uncontainable enthusiasm of my churchmates, I realized that their preparation had an effect on the day. That effect was like the soul’s slingshot aimed up towards the sky… the deeper the preparation, the higher the exhilaration."
Thanks for sharing. I'll be thinking about this.
I can't make the email link on your blog work - so here is your email.
See hyperlink below, comment from "Ragamuffin" - your previous entry is linked on the post. I think you'll find what he has written very interesting. You can also reach his blogspot by going to my blogspot and clicking on "Andrew"
It's always fun reading what you write!
Ok, not to change the subject of this very serious post, but that picture kinda freaked me out when I first saw it! Anybody else?
I look forward to the comments here for ideas on how to observe lent and be prepared for Easter. It just seems to come. I guess I would like some building up to it, like advent for Christmas. Thanks for this post craver.
Lent...what's that?
"Even So... said...
Lent...what's that?"
I just moved a load of clothes into the dryer. The filter was FULL of lent...
Thanks for the comment, Halfmom! (When I created this page, I chose not to include my email, because that would have revealed my name.)
I read your post. Thanks for spreading the dialogue. I appreciate Andrew’s remarks.
In this, our so-called Christian nation (it’s not, really), where easy-believism is so prevalent, it would be wise, I think, to inform non-Christian counselees that sampling Christian precepts is not the same as “trying Jesus.” Jesus is God, not a concept. You may skim over a book, but there is no equivalent to skimming, when it comes to entering into a right relationship with the Lord.
Can God still use that to draw someone to Himself? You betcha! That’s why I encourage new believers to begin telling their story immediately. But that does not give us license to be dispensers of anything less than the full truth. We will be held accountable for what we do with what we know.
(Please direct any further comments on this topic to free sample.)
Llama Momma, I think that's lint. I have some in my navel too.
But Easter isn't about navel gazing. I just hope I can remember that this year. Less of me. Less of me. Die to self. Die to self.
I'm curious. Is there anyone here who does not observe lent, even informally, on purpose?
I guess I don't. I'm not quite sure on what to do. There are, however, many great ideas that have been posted. Much to think about.
Ah, LINT! Thanks for clarifying, Mark. ;-)
I've never observed lent, or even thought much about it before. This year, I'm thinking about it, but not sure what it means to really Observe Lent. It's big, though, isn't it? This whole lent thing?
Observe Lent? Not sure what that means.... but we always have pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, and when I was a kid at school, we always had to carry a twig off the ash tree with us on Ash Wednesday.
In Carol Brazo's book No Ordinary Home she writes, "It suddenly hit me that I had decided to do Lent. I had decided to work up a system to worship God. I never asked God what act of worship He desired. I just made decisions and informed Him of them...I needed to ask God what act of worship He desired...Then I would be able to worship in the true sense." She gives some practical examples and then goes on to end her chapter with "Whatever you chose to do, set aside the time. Recognize the significance of the work of Christ. Set aside forty days and review it..."
I am the worst at implementing ideas because they sound good and ultimately I think I view them as some sort of "fix". While I don't think it is bad to share ideas (indeed, it is sometimes very useful), we easily fall into the trap of letting others tell us how to worship God.
I have never really practiced Lent before because I chalked it up to a "Catholic" practice. As I have matured and understand more of the purpose of Lent, I will endeavor to take this forty days this year to reflect upon the significance of the Cross. I'm not sure yet how I will do it, but I think I will use a creative outlet.
Thanks for your post. I hate every year that Easter seems to "sneak up" on me and I let my busy-ness overshadow the significance of this season. I'm inspired to really focus this year...and hopefully next year I will remember to start back at the manager.
great photo. At first I thought it was a bat...I know..so random.
Hmm, awesome post. (that I really shouldn't be reading right now...I should be going to bed!)
I guess my take on it would be......to PRAY. Saturate yourself with the truth of the Gospel, and PRAY that the Spirit would work in your heart - affection for truth, aversion for sin, etc. Only when it affects a change in our hearts because of the indwelling Spirit, is an "affection"..."reliable." (Sorry, had to pull a little JE here...)
This year, I will be warding off the tendancy to seek an "Eastery high" - which in all outward appearances is righteous, but does not yield a change of my core. And only God, through the Holy Spirit, because of Christ, can work that in me.
Meh, anyway, that's my initial response...(we'll see how I feel after a good night's sleep...or at least half a good night's sleep.) :)
That’s it! Margaret, I saw something familiar in the photo, when I cropped it, but couldn’t figure it out. When For Now… said it freaked her out, I wasn’t sure whether it was on account of some toxic hair gel, but yes, a bat… that’s it! Oh, sorry For Now…
Ex-Shammy, that is so “other-worldly” to me. I wonder what the meaning is behind those practices. Do you know? Care to share?
Is this your first time here, Spaghettipie? I can see that you composed a thoughtful answer. Everybody who said anything about “lint” is getting coal in their Christmas stockings… if Santa remembers. Yeah, I began by dismissing it as not my denomination, but God gave the Israelites special days and seasons to celebrate, so methinks there has got to be some value in remembering and making the most of special events.
Hibby (Jennifer), I’m sorry that sleeptime was compromised, but I’m so glad you dropped in. I hope things are alright with you. You’ve been kinda quiet lately. I have NEVER read anything by Jonathan Edwards, so by all means, if ya got JE, bring it!
"simple obedience and prayer...clean up sluggishness with repentance"
nicely said craver
Now, now, there, Craver. Be kind about the stockings. After all, you have a history with dust of a certain kind... and that isn't so far from lint, if you ask me.
Craver, Great thought here.
Yes. The older I get (and really, this is more true of my wife than me, but then it affects me), I don't like these West Michigan winters. But Spring is- "WOW"! Like awesome.
Nice analogy to the preparation of soul we need towards God and for living in Christ, together, in this world.
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