But before walking off the field, my knees would communicate to me that early fuel-efficient models, such as myself are foolish if we try to fit in with the newer, high-energy, sporty types. My left knee especially was in constant raging pain and did not stop screaming at me until this morning. Guess what day today is... that's right: soccer practice. And guess what: the head coach is on... another business trip.
Don't worry; I have a plan. Last Saturday (game day), I talked with one of the other dads, and he said he would help out at practice, too. That way, when I limp out to the soccer fields on Saturday, I can point an laugh at another guy who's almost the same age and will probably be sharing in my suffering.
Isn't that a great picture up top? Once I did something like that... and then I woke up.
Photo Credit: © Joshua Meador Used with permission.
Yes indeed, brilliant action photo.
Try glucosamine sulphate and fish oil for dodgy joints. I'm a long distance runner and I find these two supplements help no end.
Love Lorenzo.
Thanks for the tip 'Renzo. I'll check them out. We like llamas here. (see sidebar)
My poor husband felt the pain in his back after baseball practice with the boys. For days. He's really having a hard time living it down. They can do a pretty decent impression of him when they reach down to pick up the bat.
Aging is grand.
Great action photo - unfortunately, I can't even do that in my dreams! Isn't coaching soccer a lot of fun, though?
So you're a soccer dad, that's wonderful! I'm sure your son loves that! Is your wife the typical soccer mom? You know, driving him to every game, carpooling, the works. Or do you do that too?
Aside from the sore knees, sounds like you had much fun!
I know.. creak .. how you .. creak..feel!
Sounds like it's time for more regular exercise, so you can step in and coach any day, any time. :)
I have had many similar dreams but with dunking basketballs...
As a t-ball Mom, can I just say THANK YOU for stepping in and coaching? I look at the patient dad volunteers teaching my boys how to hold the bat and pointing them at first base, and I thank God for these men!! Coaching kids' teams is hard and thankless and not gratifying from a "sports" perspective.
Good for you for stepping in, even when it's not necessarily your strongest area! :-)
About the picture. I didn’t take it; it’s from a gent by the name of Joshua Meador. I downloaded the picture before I had an anecdote to go with it. There are lots of beautiful pictures on Flickr.com, but I need to make sure I don’t forget to include some kind of tag at the bottom of each post.
Soccer practice conflicts with the music team’s practice, so Mrs. Craver doesn’t get to go. And so, I take the squirt to his practices. It’s good fun. Saturdays, we set up our lawn chairs on the sidelines and the whole family sits together to watch his game and usually, we will sit with a neighbor or friend to take in one more game each week.
I can’t say I don’t need more exercise, but I have been restricted (by my doctor) from high impact exercise because of my bad knees. Once in a while I go nuts and pay for it dearly afterward.
Even so… (laughing) that’s just great!
LM, have you heard anything about the “Positive Coaching Alliance?” They conducted a special training for the parents and coaches that I found to be quite helpful.
Craver, my twins are only five. I haven't heard nothin' about nothin'. It's a whole new world out there....and I'm a little afraid!!
Music team?
Yes, she has a phenomenal voice and helps lead our church in song on Sunday mornings. This past Sunday, she learned a new song and one of the guys in the team played a steel guitar. (I love country music.) That was the first time I heard a steel guitar in church, but it fit so well. That same morning, the other members of the music team did very well, but I was especially impressed with one young lady who played the flute.
There was one thing I wish was different. I am not totally comfortable with people clapping after a song, because it is not clear whether they are clapping for the Lord or clapping for the musicians. The way I see it, musicians are there to point us to the Lord, and to facilitate "vertical" thinking. That's why the songs and hymns we use are phrased like a prayer, direct to God's ears. If I think someone did a great job, and want to encourage them, I will seek them out later, and shake their hand, saying what I appreciated. Like the guy with the steel guitar... a couple days later, I told him that I would love to see him bring his instrument back again, but I just didn't feel right about clapping Sunday morning.
This is good to know, Craver. So someday when I sing in your church I will know why you aren't clapping. :)
Clapping in church: My mother died last year and during the funeral service, my very talented nephew played the Welsh Harp, and he played 'Lord of the Dance' as it was my mother's favourite hymn. Quite spontaneously everyone joined in with the chorus and I noticed the priest was tapping his foot in time with the music and singing along with everyone. It was marvellous. It was such a very sad occasion and most of the music I had chosen was classical, from requiems, Mozart, Faure etc. and this touch of lightness and dare I say joy, was just what was needed. I'll never forget it.
LL, it has probably surprised some of my churchmates that I am not as spontaneous or adventurous in church as I am in other areas.
Sorry to hear about your mom, 'Renzo. I hope your loss is being tended to by friends and family.
I should have said that I am not opposed to any and all kinds of clapping in church. I do believe there are times when it is appropriate. And I'm not condemning those who clapped, because this was just intended to be an expression of my feelings. But during a regular weekly worship service, as we lift up musical praises and adoration to God, I'll reserve my applause for the Lord.
Those supplements you mentioned are probably out of my budget at this point. I wonder if it would even help me, because a doctor tried to explain what I had once, and the conclusion was that it's always gonna hurt, and I need to be careful about impact if I want to lessen the pain.
Welsh harp. Three rows of strings. Fascinating... who thinks of these things?
Are those supplements expensive in the States? They are very cheap here, especially fish oil (not to be confused with cod liver oil, not the same thing at all). Glucosomine will only help if your knee problem is arthritis, but fish oil is great, not just for joints but for the the heart and brain as well. Fish oil and ginko biloba have been given to old people in the first stages of dementia and it seems to arrest it.
Hey Craver, I am with you on the clapping after a worship song. I am unsure of clapping after a song is played/sung. I am in agreement with you that the praise shouldn't go to the worship team on Sunday morning but to the LORD, on the other hand I appreciate them SO much. So when I find myself clapping for them after a song it is more to show them that I appreciate their gifts, I appreciate them sharing their gifts with me. I had a conversation with Mrs. C. a couple of weeks ago and told her that it just amazes me that someone can open their mouth and sing into a microphone and sound so beautiful. She does have a BEAUTIFUL voice.
Now, on to the clapping while singing, a feat that escapes me! I have tried to clap and sing in worship but I find myself so rhythmically challenged that I have to concentrate SO much on the clapping to the same beat as everyone else that I totally lose focus on God. So there is no clapping while singing for me!! I love that others can do it, but for me it is too much of a challenge!
your friend!!!
PS Ouch!! about your knees, but maybe if you cut out the dancing in the aisles at church on Sunday your knees would BE fine for soccer practice!
G'day Craver,
Anyone with a vestige of faith has their own goals!
We're all soccer Dads in spirit ...
Keep smiling
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