With blogging though, nobody takes stuff. Instead, a notice of absence may result in "blog-jacking." What is blog-jacking? That is where an unmonitored blog is taken over and usually cluttered with silliness. It happened to me once. (I'm still in therapy for that.) It has happened to Mark Goodyear, Shiloh Guy, and most recently to LL Barkat..
If you haven't been involved in a blog-jacking yet, it is just another way we blogging weirdos share the love..
Incidentally, the image used by David McMahon you will find at that last link, conveniently connects with my pirate theme. Arrrr Matey!!.
How do y'all feel about blog-jacking? Is it whacky fun or a pain in the stern?.
Image by Erica Bower
Blog jacking? Who would DO such a thing? (Cough, cough...)
Who indeed? (Asks the person who introduced this concept to me last year.)
How about those white sox?
Ahhh, thank you my friend, I enjoyed that.. I think it's a wonderful idea, I shall go away and play with it and see what I can come up with!
I'm enjoying the leftovers. :)
Well, the ants I could do without.
Oh, and the melted tupperware.
Still, I feel loved. Even if it means more than a few nachos under the couch cushions.
So, when can I convince you, stacey, and the Zimmer-man to come hang out in B-N? :)
Oh, and red ants fly across the sky in purple underwear.
It's whacky fun by whacky folks. I'll run over to LL's to see what's up. I always feel like I'm 12 hours behind for some reason.
Hi Craver,
Nice one - and don't forget that there is a groundswell of support of International Talk Like a Pirate Day.
No, I ain't kiddin'!
Ahoy there me hearties!
Ahoy there Captain Feathersword!
How delightful to entertain a visit from Shrink Wrapped Scream. The pseudonym sounds shocking, but the person is not. Check out her blog, you might like it.
Ah LL, the lingering of ants, burnt plastic, and chips in every nook and cranny... good thing this was only virtual, eh?
Pete, do ya know of any good camping sites out that way? And about those flying red ants in purple underwear... I'm glad someone else has seen them. I was beginning to think it was only in my imagination.
Don't think of yourself (or us) as 12 hours off Stacy; you are as near and dear as all the rest. After all, just in this comment section, we basically have the Chicago area, New York, the UK, and Australia represented. All so far away, and yet, we have somehow managed to leave Doritos in someone's couch. Don'tcha love it?
Talk like a pirate day is INTERNATIONAL? Who'd a thunk?! September 19th, folks. Mark your calendars.
David, I heard a movie star comment on this pirate fascination. He was astonished that we would think it cool to be a pirate, because of the bad things they did.
What about "gangsta" thugs? Imagine a kids birthday party with such a theme. Tricycles with chromed alloy rims, goodie bags with bling-bling...
I LOVE blog-jacking, heheehe...
Stick 'em up, this is a blogjack!
Hehe, I stopped in to take a peak and I just HAD to do that!
See ya later!
A couple of months ago my brother (maalie) irritibly wrote that his blog site was being turned into a chat room! He then left for a holiday in Russia. As soon as he went, all his friends immediately turned it into a real chat room and he had dozens of comments to great him when he returned!
Arrrrr!! It was an act of piracy, and that's for certain, Lassie!
Why do I feel so lost and confused?
I'd comment, but I'm a little too puzzled.
Heh. Some comeback, hey? :)
Well, we do have the Moraine Valley State Park as well as Comlara (which are both pretty fun).
Blogjacking is definitely wacky fun...but I can't say I'll be letting you guys know when I'm going to be absent from my blog any time soon....
See, if I had completely fathomed the concept of blogjacking, I would: a) have read the comments previous to mine on LL's blog; b) have read the comments after mine and told you that Stacey was right--I did indeed bring the Ethiopian coffee; c) have told everyone I was away from my blog when I went to Chicago last month, so that you could have jacked my blog while I was gone. That was hilarious. (Although I suppose I couldn't have been TOTALLY gone, because I would have had to approve all of the comments you left.)
It has happened to Mark Goodyear, Shiloh Guy,
Hehe, I remember that! Me, you, and Mark jacked Shiloh Guy's blog...he oughta leave more often! :o
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