Wednesday, December 05, 2007


This was our first snowfall of the season with significant accumulation. The picture was taken last night. By this morning we had at least six inches. Pretty, ain't it?


L.L. Barkat said...

Ah, the snow. Love it. Ours was only a dusting.

Craver Vii said...

New York, right? Just wait...

This morning's snow was even more beautiful. It was inches deep in all the areas I shoveled last night. But after shoveling, I was nice and toasty. I didn't even have to wear my coat on the drive to work.

I have been looking at David McMahon's warm weather pictures and comments. It's neat to think that all these things are going on at the same time.

Lara said...

You're enjoying your new camera, aren't you? I should get mine out to capture some of this beauty. We slept with the blinds open to watch the snowfall. A beautiful sight - I just wish we could have gone walkin' in that winter wonderland, but alas the children were already tucked in their beds.

Shammickite said...

We woke to lots of snow too, but ours is white, not blue!!
But it's a bit early for all this snow.... I would prefer that it would wait until Christmas Eve... now that would be perfect.

Craver Vii said...

AMM, the oldest ones still at home here are big enough to be left alone. This picture was immediately outside the front door, but I did not jump in the car because I needed to shovel, and the roads were super-slippery. A walk might have been nice, but night pictures need the tripod, so I skipped it.

I'm lovin' the snow, Shammy. I didn't get the color right, because I tried to adjust the original, which came out very, very red. I know what you mean though... fresh snow on Christmas Eve is positively magical!

Llama Momma said...

The noisy boys had a blast today...shoveling, sledding, oh joy!

Hot chocolate, marshmallows and popcorn. Think I can call it dinner???

Shammickite said...

Wow, your original snow scene photo was definitely red, any idea why? Do you have street lights that have an orangey red tinge to them?

Craver Vii said...

I never noticed the colors of the streetlights before, but now I'll have to investigate. Maybe the "white balance" on the camera needs to be adjusted. Instead of a very long exposure, I used the automatic twilight setting. That could be it, too. Either way, it's a fun time!

Craver Vii said...

Oh, and I think Mrs. Craver took the kids out with another family for playing in the snow and hot chocolate. Those things make for great memories.

orneryswife said...

Lovely snow picture, but I am so glad it is you and not me. I am a dessert rat at heart, and while I don't really like the extreme heat, I hibernate when it gets really cold. Enjoy your snow!

Unknown said...

Blue Christmas this year-eh Craver? :)

Anonymous said...

Snow? What's that? It's midnight here and 70 degrees.