Friday, February 22, 2008

Sky Watch Friday!

Many Moons


I suppose this week's Sky Watch will have a lot of similar pictures. There was just a lunar eclipse, and it was seen (and photographed) my lots and lots of people. But there was a clear sky, and I snapped a few shots, so I'll share what I have.


It first appeared as an enormous amber globe as it lazily floated close to the horizon. I wish I could have taken earlier pictures with the houses to get some perspective! But here, for my first picture, it came out very low, and very orange.


I've always loved to look at the full moon, and the eclipse is a marvelous event, to be sure! But can I tell you what you're missing? The craters are more spectacular in the other phases. Maybe I'll have one of Craver's craters for you next week.


I need to express my appreciation to a young man I shall dub Sonny Smith. Without his help, I would not have been able to break away from band practice to take these pictures. Muchas gracias!


Andrea said...

yes I have seen a few of these pictures. Looks like a lot of people were awake while I was asleep. Nice shots.

Shammickite said...

Your moon pictures are so nice and clear, Craver... I took a few but my camera just isn't up to it, it's basically the point and shoot variety. However, I was out there marvelling at Mother Nature and that's what counts!

Grammy Shammy!

Anonymous said...

I'm so pleased to see such great shots of the lunar eclipse! Beautiful...

DeeMom said...

Super job

Anonymous said...

Wow! Haven't realized that the moon is so beautiful when photograph.... Nice work!

dot said...

You got some great pictures! I'm laughing about your comment on my blog because that is a buzzard not a hawk. lol. I went on a buzzard hunting trip of sorts. I'll have to save that for another day.
I hope you are enjoying Sky Watch!

SandyCarlson said...

These are wonderful. It's nice to see these. I slept through the adventure, and I regret it now!

Dottie said...

Very nice shots!

Andree said...

These are outstanding! I love them. Now me? HA (My eclipse pic is here.)

Lilli & Nevada said...

Wonderful photos and yes there is a few already i have seen but all look different
At least you were able to get them

FO - 2 said...

Very good captures.
The collage is great! :)

Daniel J Santos said...

excellent moon photos, well done.

quintarantino said...

Amazing moons over here. Loved the reflected one.

Anne said...

Where is the man in the moo??

Can`t see him.

God friday to you.

Tom said...

I'm glad you caught it, we had thick cloud and I missed it.

gaz said...

nice shot dude.

Andrea said...

The answer to your question on my blog: The flag under the American flag is a GMC flag. It was at a car dealership.

Daryl said...

I am loving all these moon shots .. I am so sad I didnt get up/out to get my own

Anonymous said...

Great shots!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

nice composition

Misty DawnS said...

I was afraid my camera would disappoint me, so I just stayed warm inside and watched from my window.

You captured it wonderfully!

Petunia said...


Angie said...

Beautiful photos.Thanks for sharing them,especially as we didn't get to see the eclipse over here,sob,sob.

Anonymous said...

Great shots!

Carole said...

Great shots.

Martin Stickland said...

Now I can really tell that the moon is made from cheese!

Nice shots buddy!

Mike's Travels said...

Great sequence!

donsands said...

I'm not thrilled by eclipses, but nice pics nonetheless.
However, the full regular moon pic is quite thrilling.
I've tried and tried to take a picture of the Moon, and never yet had a good one.
Some good sunrises though.

Lin said...

Nice moon shots there, Craver. grin

Nabeel said...

I am glad to see that you took pictures of the lunar eclipse :) I went outside and saw it too. Even though we know how and why it happens, it's just a marvelous site and makes us wonder all sorts of things.

Unknown said...

Awesome picks, Carver-I totally slept through the eclipse(shucks!)