Tuesday, March 18, 2008

last week in pictures

  1. red2--red tailed hawk with red squirrel
  2. experimenting with kinetic photography--block glass window
  3. looking straight up into the sky
  4. more experiments with kinetic photography--street lights
  5. This tree tried to kiss me!
  6. with D2 at a local playground
  7. with S2 at a local playground
  8. balloons from health clinic's charity event
  9. plenty of eats at aforementioned charity


I just read an article on the dangers of eating too much fat and drinking too much and it scared the heck out of me. So I told myself, "That's it!"


After today, no more reading.


Daniel J Santos said...

Excellent, very different moments but all great moments.

Anonymous said...

"After today, no more reading." Ha Ha... at times you are soooo funny.

BTW, excellent photos, especially the kinetic ones.

Now that I have also started posting some, I'll have to learn the tricks from you.

Keep posting, friend.

mommanator said...

Good "sense" of humor!
Great photos as usual!

Lara said...

Love the photos! Heard the health clinic event turned out terrific.

Shammickite said...

WOW that red tailed hawk actuallly caught a red squirrel, and you caught it on camera, excellent work, although I don't suppose the squirrel thought so. I rather like the collage of pics from the last week, I may have to steal your idea one day in the future, when I can't think of anything significant to blog about.

Craver Vii said...

I'm glad you like the kinetic shots, Cuckoo. Those are really beautiful pictures at your site!

Yes AMM, I think the director planned it out very well, and the Lord poured out His blessing.

Shammy, I have seen several posts called "Weekend Wanderings," and I wanted to use that title, but I didn't know if anybody had claim to that name yet (like Sky Watch Friday!). Otherwise, a photographic potpourri of miscellaneous snapshots from the previous week might be a more regular occurrence.

Oh, and it was the red that appealed to you, eh? Hmmm...

Unknown said...

Hey Craver. Howsit goin'?

sonia a. mascaro said...

Love those photos! Beautiful collage!

Every Square Inch said...

You are really becoming quite a good photographer...the red tailed hawk photo is especially impressive..

of course, this compliment is coming from someone whose only camera is built into my mobile phone so that'll keep you humble :-)

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Nice moments with nice colors!

Luiz is inviting you to visit


If you have time!


Daniel J Santos said...

About your question in my blog, I was in the top of a bridge, in that area there are 6 bridges.

Carletta said...

Wonderful photos. I've tried for weeks to get a picture of a hawk - hasn't happened - so I envy you. This one is a beauty.
I too was laughing at your line "no more reading."
Have a blessed day!

L.L. Barkat said...

Ah, you make me laugh. (Good to be back and hear you saying all the funny things you're always saying!)

I like the blue thing. Do tell.

Craver Vii said...

Well then, I humbly thank you, ESI. I can tell you one thing; I am certainly getting a lot of use out of this camera!

Aah, Carletta! A fellow Monkees and Neil Diamond fan. Now let me add for the record that I was joking about "drinking" too much. I have not been drunk since 1986.

The blue thing, LL? That would be the block glass in my bathroom that I like so much. I twisted the camera while using a long exposure. Someone had just told me about "camera tossing" but I don't dare send my precious airborne!

L.L. Barkat said...

Camera tossing?! Oh, I don't think I could do that either. Maybe they sell little camera trampolines for a soft landing? :)