Friday, March 14, 2008

Sky Watch Friday!

What's "down & sun?" That's a sunset with feathers.


Do you know the face a child makes when their parent introduces a spoonful of an undesirable vegetable? Well, hold that thought**...


I like to see photographs of the sun reflected in a body of water. So much so, that I have set out a couple of times already, looking for such an image for Sky Watch Friday! When I drove past this pond here, I turned around to come back for the picture. It was difficult to get to, and I could not get down to the water's level. I distinctly heard some of the ducks laughing at me as they saw me desperately search for a spot to place the tripod.


Then, I snapped a photograph of what originally made sense in my head. But when I looked at the recorded image, I made that face**. The images here are severely cropped, but after a while, I warmed up to them.


I'll bet these silhouetted little waddlers are just as eager for the Spring thaw as I am! Be careful out there duckies; you'll quack the ice!


Lastly, there was a duck in front of me at the drug store. He wanted to buy a ChapStick®. The cashier said it was $1.49 plus tax. To which, the duck responded, "Fine... just put it on my bill."


Oops, gotta go. Bye for now!


Anonymous said...

I'm with you ... reflections on water are always great moments.
Very well done here.

Daniel J Santos said...

excellent post, beautiful photos.

SandyCarlson said...

Just lovely! Capturing the sky's reflection in water this time of year creates beautiful effects.

Tom said...

Great Skywatch picture.. I loved the shot the ducks and the joke... :O)


Anonymous said...

Ok great photos and you made me smile at your quacky jokes, too. I need to capture a photo with a great reflection. Oh good another goal..
May Spring come soon in your neck of the woods...

imac said...

Great reflection for sky watch

come and see mine:)

Lori said...

I like how the sun looks like a star. Nice!

EG CameraGirl said...

Are you a stand-up comic, by any chance? You quacked me up!

I enjoyed your photos too. :-)

Andrea said...

Looks like the sky is smiling.

Sharon said...

I like reflections on the water as well and this one is great. I liked the ducks as well. The duck joke...... :)

Carletta said...

Blue is my favorite color and I loved this right away - just what a winter photo should look it!
Loved your words as well - too funny!

Pernille said...

I love the reflections. beautiful photos:)
Have a nice weekend:)

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Beautiful image of sky over water!!


Lilli & Nevada said...

What great photos you have there, that first one is a definite postcard photo

Anonymous said...

Very funny and nice pictures..
Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted.

DeeMom said...

Eye-catching and love the joke…

Daryl said...

hcraver, you QUACK me up

Carole said...

Great pictures, great post - love the joke.

Dottie said...

Beautiful photos and funnies too! I love it.

Dewdrop said...

Love it!

sonia a. mascaro said...

Nice photos!

Have a nice weekend!

Petunia said...

Great reflection picture:D

Angie said...

Great photos,Craver,shame about the joke,lol. (just kidding) lol

sonia a. mascaro said...

Thanks for your nice comment on Brasília's photos!

I would like you make a visiting to my Sky Watch current, on my main blog, Leaves of Grass.

Have a nice weekend!

Misty DawnS said...

A great photographer and funny too! Oh yes, I truly enjoyed every bit of this post!

Anonymous said...

Craver -- You are really developing into quite a photographer. Thanks for sharing your pictures. And you know, I've often thought I've heard ducks laughing at me too. They may call it a quack, but I really think it reveals the sarcastic humor of are feathery friends.

mommanator said...

lovely pics, seems like you are devoting much time to pictures-good for you, you are seing God's beauty!

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

I linked your blog in BOA LEITURA:


Ted M. Gossard said...

Yes, those pics are pretty nice. I keep telling myself to go outside and take some, but didn't even leave the house today, really playing it rather sedate, though I think i'll get up and do some dishes now.

But yes, Spring is coming!

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

looks like my pond - so I think you could have parked in the driveway!

hello - hello - are you there?