Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sky Watch Friday!

panoramic sunset
This was the view behind my church when locking up last Sunday night. My original photo was wider, but most blogging formats and screen views won't do it justice, so I narrowed it down to sixty percent of the original width. It is so nice to find a big view of the sky without power lines or other obstacles.


Enter your Sky Watch contribution at Wiggers World.


Anonymous said...

My friend, I enlarged your photo and let me say that it's quite a view.
Quite a view ... clouds seem to be in a whirl and those colours ...

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: It is a very nice Sky photo with a lot going on. Great job.
BTW: It is a canoe that was half submerged and I will put the complete picture up on Saturday if your interested. Great guess.
I will do my Sky Watch in about an hour when i get home.

Anonymous said...

I enlarged your photo also! That is glorious!

Make me want to sing How Great Thou Art!

Tom said...

It is certainly a beautiful view you have for us again..Craver

Thank you for joining in again my friend

Champ Townboy said...

Excellent shot! Appropriately found behind your church, too!

Anonymous said...

Great shot. Panoramic taken is beautiful.

Daniel J Santos said...

Beautiful image, well done.

david mcmahon said...

Great shot. You would love the big, wide Australian sky.

Enjoyed your bank post too!!

Unknown said...

This is a very beautiful view. Great catch!

Texas Travelers said...

Great expansive shot.
Nice choice.

Mine is up. Come and Visit,

Carole said...

What a wonderful sky watch.

Snap Catch said...

nice catch! In the sky, there is no distinction of East and West, so the people create distinctions out of their own minds.... mine's up too hope you can drop by.

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

Beautiful shot!

dot said...

Great view Craver and yes it's hard to get a sky photo without all the wires. You did good!

Carletta said...

This is stunning - wonderful job!

Sharon said...

What a wonderful view from your church. That sky is lovely. I like the panoramic shot.

Anne-Berit said...

Beautiful photo.

Pernille said...

This is just beautiful view! Fatastic photo and lovely clouds!

gaz said...

nice shot dude.

judi/Gmj said...

And god said...Good job, Craver, don't forget the dead bolt.

Pappy said...

Great sunset. Pray for rain here in South Texas.

Lilli & Nevada said...

What a beautiful site, the colors are fabulous. I enlarged it and it was even better

Dottie said...

That's a beautiful shot. I've been struggling around here to get a good sky shot without power lines in the way. Have a good day!

SandyCarlson said...

Peaceful skies prevailed while you were at church. This is gorgeous.

Sunshinelene said...

beautiful panorama of tainted sky.

i wish for sth likethat at my end, too. it's been long we had orange tainted skies.

happy sky watching!

Juliana RW said...

Nice view of sky

Will you visit mine Thanks

FO - 2 said...

Great capture. :)
You did well on that one.
Happy weekend! :)

Kyanite said...

I too enlarged the photo & enjoyed the full sunset. Good shot.

Angie said...

Hi Craver,
A superb shot.I tried enlarging it and that was really good as well.

Kerri Farley said...


Pretty Life Online said...

fantastic catch! mine's up too.. its my first entry hope you can drop by

Anonymous said...

Stunning photos and colours!

Have a good weekend.

Alex's World! -

EG CameraGirl said...

No power lines! Amazing!! Beautiful view.

Daryl said...

Quite a view indeed .. with a view like that I would never get any work done!

Misty DawnS said...

This is absolutely fantastic. You are exactly right about being able to find that much sky without the power lines. Amazing and gorgeous work here, my friend.

Andrea said...

That is a beautiful shot.

becky aka theRAV said...

loved the sunsets. I love sunsets.

Rose said...

I love that panoramic view!

Jane Hards Photography said...

so good to see a panoramic shot, especially for sky watch.Quite a visual feast

Shammickite said...

How nice... no smog or skyscrapers in sight!

Jules said...

You and I both have a panoramic sunset Sky Watch shot - good thinking and a lovely photo!!!!

Thanks for your comments on my blog -
At my age those glamor/out of focus shots are the only ones I will allow to be taken. I've heard they were done with Vaseline on the lens - probably an urban myth - can you imagine the mess!!!!

Dancin Fool said...

Fabulous shot, I never tire of sunsets or sun rises....or just sky watching! Have a great weekend!

Petunia said...

Love your panoramapic:)
I have a panorama photo in my blog today - scroll down for the SWFpost:)
Sorry i haven't got the time to visit you earlier.
Have a nice weekend!
Petunia's Sky Watch

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Always a big shot, Craver VII!

This week I haven't a good shot!


Ted M. Gossard said...

Nice pic!

You'll be interested in my pic over at my posting of today.

Marie said...


mommanator said...

hat a lovely view after church! keeps you thinking of Him