Wednesday, May 21, 2008

celebratory ceremonies

  1. Procession behind school banner
  2. Big Al hands Wes the coveted diploma
  3. A graduation kiss from Wifey
  4. The siblings minus D1, who was taking a picture
  1. D1's amazing song
  2. SIL's family watches with great joy
  3. Craver gave the Charge to the Ordinand
  4. SIL's dad (also ordained) prays over him


More photographs forthcoming!!


L.L. Barkat said...

Wonderful. Moving on. Making a way in the world.

Craver Vii said...

No kidding. Wes is already a reverend, and his brother is working on a doctorate. They're both moving away... far away from their Chicago roots. Wes will be a pastor in Florida, and his brother is going to school in the state of Washington. They'll be continental poles apart. I expect both of them to do very well.

Tom said...

Well done a great post to have the pleasure of reading.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations all around - looks like a very sweet family milestone.

dot said...

Looks like a very special time for the family Great pictures and looking forward to more.

San said...

Lovely pictures of a momentous occasion. Congratulations to the entire family!

donsands said...

Must be mixed emotions for you Craver. Tremendous joy for sure. And yet going to Florida and Washington must be heavy for you.
I would expect the joy outweighs the heaviness.
What a wonderful blessing from our Lord for you and your family to be serving Him in such a great way.
And to see Big Al. Cool.

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

very cool! how much D1 looks like Mrs Craver! which is good - else she might look like YOU - not good for a little girl!

Ted M. Gossard said...

Cool, Craver! Wish I could have heard that or been there. I like those kind of services. Nice pics, too.