Tuesday, May 27, 2008

left hanging

I don't like always being the last to leave. It makes me feel like I've overstayed my welcome. Sunday, we had lunch with one of the study groups from church. When I felt it was time to round up the troops and make our way home, they didn't seem to get it... that it was time to leave already. So, I took the initiative to step out the door, and wait outside. Tick-tock, tick-tock...


So Friends, did you ever get so bored, standing around that you snapped a photo of your own lens cap?


Whoa. If you click to enlarge the picture and look down at that angle for a bit, it'll make you a little dizzy.


Craver Vii said...

What's the deal?! Somehow, I'm stuck on circles. Moon, clock, disc, lens cap...

Anonymous said...

Photo? No ... but with my camcorder once and then the lense cap can be heard tapping against the camcorder! .)

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha .. friend, you are so adorable. I do similar acts many times when caught in same situation.
And yes, the photo makes dizzy.


Carletta said...

Oh, my dear Craver - always a smile here!

mommanator said...

you have more patience than me I think! when I was in photoghraper mode I snapped everything in site!
circles? how's about the circle of life

Craver Vii said...

'Tino I hope the video turned out more comical than frustrating. I get a kick out of watching home videos and hearing the photographer speaking under their breath, unaware that their comments are being recorded.

I'm glad I was not the only one who felt dizzy, Cuckoo. I appreciate your encouragement... and yours too, Carletta.

I'm getting more and more comfortable taking pictures of things, Mommanator. Last night, I took a picture laying down so that I could try the lower perspective. My littler son playfully mocked me for doing that.

Circle of life? No, I haven't seen it; have you? ;-)