Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sky Watch Friday!

Whalon Lake


Whalon Lake became open to the public this month. It is one of those things that might remain unknown unless someone points it out to you. Fortunately, it was pointed out quite nicely. There were all kinds of things to do at the grand opening. We missed most of it, due to other obligations that day, but when we arrived, we watched a reptile show and browsed through various booths, collecting information and playing free games.


One booth had a host who made sure each child received a promotional frisbee prize. Everybody who played became a winner. I like that!!


We scooted out of there at about 3PM; just in time to miss a torrential downpour. Sheesh, it must have been rough on the folks who had to put stuff away and take all those tents down.



Wanna join us for Sky Watch? Click here.


Louise said...

Looks like fun! Great SWF picture.

lime said...

oof! you made it in the nick of time!

Anonymous said...

Nice photography.


Carletta said...

Lovely sky image!
That is a huge turtle and please point that gator the other way!

Great idea to give every child something.
It sounds like you spent a nice day!

Carole said...

Terrific! Looks like a fun time for the kiddies and dad too.

Anonymous said...

Nice panoramic shot of the lake! It was so beautiful!

I have two Sky Watch pictures this week, and you can view them in these blogs:
Jenn Was Here and Shutter Happy Moments. Please drop by in any of the blogs if you have the time. Thanks a lot. Happy Weekends!

dot said...

I bet the kids enjoyed seeing all that.
Hope you got all that stuff cleaned off your monitor. I always laugh when I read your comments.

Pretty Life Online said...

Nice catch for SKYWATCH! Mine's up too hope you can drop by and asking for your help.... I was nominated for pinoyworld blog of the week, voting poll located at my side bar... Hope you can vote for me... The way of fortune is like the milkyway in the sky.... Thanks a lot! Happy weekend!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Whalon Lake looks like a lovely place to visit. Glad you all had a good time. Nice Sky Watch.

Kim said...

Looks like a nice place to relax, and watch the sky...and not just on Fridays, either! Have a great weekend!

imac said...

Hi Craver, glad you went or we all would have missed the day out.

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Wonderfull sky, before the rain!!!

A great capture!!

Have a happy weekend!


Jules~ said...

yikes! crocks (or gator I always forget which is which) and snakes...I think I would definitely use a zoom lens for those shots.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh that snake...Pretty sky you have. Have a nice SWF!

magiceye said...

nice collage...

Do check out my Independence Day SkyWatch post here

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love those rolling clouds!

chrome3d said...

Crocs are fun fashion seems.

Anonymous said...

like the clouds...

Kelly said...

Beautiful photos! Great shots!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun day. Nice photo for Skywatch

L.L. Barkat said...

I love reptile shows. Don't know why. Hey, did I ever tell you I've worn a real live boa constrictor around my neck? HUGE real live boa constrictor.

(Oh, and that was guacamole dip you saw. Personally, I find food kind of romantic. :)

Tom said...

This looks a great place to have been, and a perfect day..

Daryl said...

What fun ...


Anonymous said...

I want to burp an alligator! (Preferably not from the inside!) Great Sky Watch photo, blue sky and bluer water always make me happy.

I just tripped through some of your back posts. Has the dog lost his enthusiasm for chasing skunks?

Shammickite said...

oooo is that a real live alligator? What a handsome fellow, and such nice sharp teeth....

Raven said...

Wonderful sky. Looks like it was a fun day.

Anonymous said...

Very nice sky over the lake. Sounds like a good time there.

Alice at: I Was Born2Cree8
My SWF post is here: Sky Watch Friday

Anonymous said...

Nice photo and looks like a fun time at the lake.

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Craver VII

I'm here invit you to take part in

Hope see you there!


Torsdag 1952 said...

Sorry, I’m a little late because I was sailing this weekend.
So I stop by and say thank you for a nice SWF.