Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The times, they are a-changing!


How sad for people who do not get to experience the change of seasons like this. The drive to and from work every day is just exploding with wild-eyed wonder like this little pond (I stretched the photo wide for effect). I like warm sunny weather alright, but there are also rewards to living a little farther from the equator. The seasons don't fear the reaper. These colors were so glorious I had to pull over and snap a shot or two.


Seasons of change can be exciting. I am considering a change to this blog, and if you have an opinion, I'd like to hear your thoughts. After months of ignoring all this stuff about earning money through blogging, I am starting to think that it may not be a bad idea. How do you feel about that? Do you or would you use your blog to generate additional income?


Shammickite said...

I blog cos it's relaxation, and fun, and nice to "meet" other people, and show them my surroundings and what I find interesting.
I don't want to make money on it.
And anyway, I don't know how to.

preacherman said...

Yes, changes. It is time for changes. I know my family and I will be making some changes over the next few months. I love watching the trees and flowers change color. You did a great job with these pics. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Craver Vii said...

That's my biggest concern, Shammickite, is whether ads would affect the dynamics of this good thing I've got.

Thanks Preacherman. Seeing fall after fall all of my life, I still marvel at the beautiful colors.

Click on photo for real (unstretched) image.

lime said...

i have never used the ads but i am not opposed to others doing so. let us know how it works out. maybe i should consider it too...

EG CameraGirl said...

Well, Craver, I mostly avoid blogs that have ads on them because they take longer to come onto my screen. If it takes a while for a photo, that's one thing. But if it takes longer for an ad it bugs me. Just my 2 cents, though. Your great humour might convince me to visit you anyway. ;-)

Anonymous said...

no ads.


great pic.

yes, times are changing, indeed.

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely photograph it is, again forced me to come here & compliment. :-)

I am making it my wallpaper. :-)

Now don't ask me for any money on that !!

Well, till now I haven't earned any money thru my blogs but not averse to the idea if the site doesn't get slow. But not too many ads.

Carletta said...

That is a beautiful reflection!!

Ads, I know many times it does take time for a blog to completely load depending on how many are there - I'd visit you anyway. :)

Andrea said...

AWESOME shot!!!!

dot said...

What a fascinating picture with the three little trees lined up. You did good!

becky aka theRAV said...

beautiful cool photo, Carver!