Monday, November 09, 2009

hanging on

I hope I don't have to pick up too many more leaves around here. Oh, there are a few stubborn remants in my neighbor's Maple, but I expect they'll drop before very long. Instead of raking the leaves off the lawn, I like going over them with my mulching mower. It bags them at once, so I think it's much neater and less exhausting than using the rake. It is the best way to gather the leaves from my tree, because the Craver house inherited a Honey Locust with lots of wee-little leaves.


I over-seeded a couple months ago, so the lawn was nice and thick. It was springy underfoot--just the way I like it. It was relatively warm and sunny with blue skies. What a great day to be outside!!


I had help from a ladybug. I wasn't sure what it was doing, but I never turn down an offer of assistance with yard work. It was a funny little thing with dimpled armor. It looks like the right wing got smooshed in. (You may have to click on the image to see it clearly.)


Gaelyn said...

You really should quit picking on the help.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Poor little ladybug. Why did you beat it up like that though.It was ony trying to help you get rid of the aphids. You are a big bully!!


Missed you on the game today.

mommanator said...

sounds like a day of good work!

Wendy said...

O I don't miss raking the leaves! BUT I would put up with it if I had a house (I live in an apartment building). I just cannot wait to have my own house, with hopefully nice trees in the yard, so someday I'll have to rake the leaves again ;)

Cute ladybug, poor little armor!

Craver Vii said...

Well, you know Gaelyn, sometimes you just gotta keep the insect slave labor in line. (whip crack)

Joan, I felt like a kid who's stuck inside, when he wants to go out and play. There was a lot to do, and I couldn't justify the visits. I missed being there with you.

Yeah, Mommanator. A good day for Advil, too. ;-)

Helloooo Leeloo's (and Queequeg's) mum! I think you're right. I used to rent, and it is easier form me to enjoy it when it's my house, and my lawn and my leaves. I hope you get to enjoy your own house some day, but I know some people who don't own a house who really know how to make their friends feel at home. May you be blessed that way also.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: I'll bet you didn't see the dent until it was on the computer. The leaves will fall in the Fall.

imac said...

Never seen a yellow ladybird before, is it because you scared

Unknown said...

Oh wow! A dented ladybug! I've never seen that before.

Craver Vii said...

Oh-oh, 'better get Maaco. What?? There's a dent on my computer?? C'mon Fishing Guy...

Your comment got me wondering Imac, so I did a little snooping online and found a whole bunch of interesting shades.

Hi Eve!! First time I saw one, too. Hey, isn't Leeloo's Mum from your neck of the woods?

lime said...

what an unusual color for a ladybug!