Monday, May 10, 2010

two weeks

Rylan: Elowyn: Castle Craver was without its queen for two weeks. My beloved flew to Oklahoma to see if she could be of some help as our second grandchild was born. Rylan is 14 months and Ellie was born two weeks ago. Everybody is doing fine.


The kids did behaved amazingly well, and made their momma (and me) proud. Still, I have to say that I missed my wife more than ever before. Who would have known that after 22 years of marriage that our closeness and intimacy would make our early marriage years pale in comparison? We sent daily notes via email. When she finally arrived, there were tears of joy and I think she cried, too.


When I hear how other grandparents spend time with their grandchildren, I hope they realize how blessed they are to have them close. I sure wish Mrs. Craver and I could spend more time reading or singing to them, laying on the floor at their level playing games and hearing them laugh.


Pastor Dave said...

gotta love the little guy's shades!!

DeniseinVA said...

I love those little guy shades too Craver, and I love your grandchildren. They are precious indeed. Congratulations to you and Mrs. Craver, not only for your beautiful grandchildren but also for the fantastic marriage that you have. It's very special indeed when you can say such loving things about your marriage after all this time.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: A big congratulation on the new addition. I'm sure the wife was in heaven for the trip.

Craver Vii said...

Those shades belong to my wife, Mr. Dave. She won't wear any other. She's funny about that because she'll only use one pair, and doesn't like trying new ones. Me? I could have a whole bunch of cheap shades and it would suit me fine. Isn't it cool that Rylan let her take this picture?

Thank you Denise. It's to the Lord's credit ultimately, but between me and my Mrs, it is mostly her that makes our marriage special. She treats my ordinary and goofy ways as if they were something special.

Heaven? Not exactly Fishing Guy. You have to take into account that she was in different surroundings, where she was not queen of the castle, and she wasn't sleeping in her own bed. She loved seeing the kids, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it heaven. Now, if we could get them here for a week in the fall, THAT would be heaven!!

imac said...

Cute shots Craver, I think it does us all good to have a break from our loved ones every so often, it makes the heart grow fonder and stop us all getting lazy, also its great when they come home once more, stops us all taking each other for granted.

Gaelyn said...

I agree that absence does make the heart grow fonder and puts in perspective where our loves lie. Being grandparents is so special. I hope you'll both get to spend more time with them in the future.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

It is wonderful the way you always speak of your wife Craver, something I always admire you for. A love like that is so very, very special!!

Craver Vii said...

Speaking of which, my blogging brother... Imac it's nice to see you back in the blogosphere.

Gaelyn, some friends have told me that I can expect to enjoy being a grandparent MORE than being a parent. I don't know about that yet, but I'm eager to spend time with the grandkids.

Well, thank you Joan. That is a kind thing to say.

imac said...

Thanks Craver, its nice to be back among friends.

Shammickite said...

Spending time with grandchildren is so much fun. Mine give me so much pleasure. Callum is now 26 months and talks in full sentences, obviously a genius.... and little Isaac is almost 1 and is the happiest smilingest laughingest little soul! Everything is funny to him.
Your granchildren are so cute. Love the shades. And Elowyn is such a pretty name.

Alexander said...

Very cute and interesting photos. I like the one with the shades!

Alex's World! -

George said...

You have two beautiful grandchildren. I can understand why you wish you could see them more often. I know we don't see our grandchildren often enough.

Craver Vii said...

Imac... :-)

Grammy Shammy, is there anything so delightful as a child's sweet laughter?

Well thank-you, Alexander. Welcome! I'll drop by your blog in a few minutes.

Thanks George. I am hoping they come up for vacation in the fall.

EG CameraGirl said...

What cute kids. They are so close in age that for a while I think Mom and Pop will have their hands full!

dot said...

Cute pictures! I didn't think you were old enough for grand kids.

Chris said...

Congrats on your second grandchild!!! And I guess you will enjoy every seconds with them when you will have the opportunity to see them... This is priceless mate !

Craver Vii said...

Yeah, they probably will, EG. I am the eldest of six. Number two was born a year and eighteen days after me. He and I share a special bond. I hope the same for my grandchildren.

Dot, are you saying I don't act my age? ;-)

I sure do plan to make the most of every opportunity, Chris. Thanks.

lime said...

welcome elowyn! how dear. i'm sure it's not easy being so far apart from the babies but i am glad your wife had the chance to go help and glad the reunion was tender and swee.