If there is* babies, I like when they reach for me to pick them up. For hamsters, I like when they let me hold them. In the case of wild birds, it makes me happy when they don't fly away in a panic. If a butterfly lands on me, I feel special. When I come home from work, I like to be greeted at the door..
As a child, I was fascinated with Saint Francis. These days I do not know how much of his story is factual and how much is legend, but back then, it had a certain appeal for me..
The birds in my friend's backyard were cautious about approaching the feeder when people walked on the deck, but they kept watch from the other side of the yard. I was able to approach them indirectly, by walking around the swimming pool. Most of my body was hidden, and I braced my telephoto on the edge of the pool. The zoom brought me in close, so that looking through the lens, it appeared that the birds were totally comfortable with my presence. It was an illusion of course. And then, when the opportunity presented itself, they all rushed the feeders..
* Good catch, Mary. See explanation in comment section.
Life is an illusion Craver. Even the doggie breath. :D
I'm glad you were able to sneak up on these birds, even if they were more focused on the feeder than on you.
Yes that's how it goes!!! Some nice sweet approach and it is easy to get pictures ;-) Nicely done!
Craver: Cute shot, I will be posting a header later today of that heron.
What?? Life is an illusion? Gaelyn, have you been eating mushrooms?
It was kinda neat George. I was totally in the moment. later, I got closer, and maybe I'll post that pic another time.
Yes Chris, this approach was not a straight line, but a large, slow, half-circle.
Fishing Guy, I know there are Green Herons around these parts, but I have not personally come across one yet.
Saint Francis I think is more legend, but he still wrote that nice prayer we see around a lot:
"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life."
I guess if you pray this knowing that it's impossible to be this, and only by God' grace, and walking in faith, not sight, then it's a good prayer.
Sorry for the big comment Craver. I got carried away.
I love the fence with all the birds on it!! Great Photo!!
I'm not Catholic but have always liked Saint Francis as well.
Donsands apologized for the big comment but what a lovely prayer.
Glad you didn't miss your opportunity to capture the little birdies.
Talking about someone who knows about animals I'm honored for my name to be in the same line as Abe's in your previous post. I feel I'm in the company of royalty. :)
shouldnt be then saint fence-is!!
I think you know I was raised Catholic, Sandman. That prayer was put to music and I memorized it very early. You (and Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone) make an excellent point, that it is the Lord who "makes me" these things and "grants" these things. Thank you for posting the prayer.
Happyone, I always take my camera when visiting these friends. Their fence, flowers, birds, bugs, and yes, even the people are lovely to behold, and I like to capture the moments, when I can.
I know what you mean about Abe, Carletta. I was surprised and delighted that he would visit this humble place. I know I do not generate the caliber of photography that he does, but I appreciate the smart, kind, funny, and artistic people that make this a nice "place" to visit. Not the least of which, is you, Dear Lady. :-)
Punny Mr. Dave! Say, do you know the name of that plant that I was taking a picture of yesterday? That big plant with the red "spike?"
Like you, the feeders here are full and the sparrows are here in a flock of probably close to 100 birds. They are fattening up to make their migration to southern climes.
I like the post and your sparrows. I also like the reminisce about the things you like and didn't. And St Francis was appealing without any conditions. I think friends are all like that. You accept them for them and not for their baggage (as we say).
Some, I suppose, cannot accept Jesus who appears in a robe, of sorts, and has long hair and a beard. But then I always think that Jesus wouldn't be Jesus in a three piece business suit, clean shaven with a spiked hairdo.
Enjoyed the post and the picture and the reminisce about things.
Thanks for your visit.
Captured well and very neat work Craver.
I strongly believe that animals and birds are able to sense people and it is this which makes them not mind somebody getting close or else scatter. Got to say I am very sensitive to smells ..... especially some.
Wait wait wait wait...
Did you seriously say "If there IS babies"?!
Mr. Lincoln, Saint Francis was appealing without any conditions, but some folks might say that I am appalling without consolation (lol). I agree with you that the image of Jesus in a 3-piece with a spikey do seems out of place, and even irreverent. I would assert that knowing Jesus is the cornerstone of all knowledge and experience.
Funny that you use the word "captured," Imac. Just today, I was told of a scientist friend from England who literally captured and banded or ringed some 20 such birds for research.
You and I may be similar in that we are very sensitive to smells Joan. That has benefits as well as disadvantages, doesn't it?
I sure did, didn't I Mary? Well, you know that is not how I speak. This me understands USA talk goodly and speaking it well, too. Also. Okay?
My best guess, is that during the initial composition phase, I was not satisfied with the syntax and backspaced the predicate for rephrasing, but then I neglected to apply the corresponding fix to the subject. Still, there is no excuse for what I did and somebody must be punished, so when I get home, I will kick the cat.
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