Thursday, January 24, 2013

cold hands, warm heart

Brrrr... it's frigid outside!   I'm so blessed to have a warm home, but I'm especially blessed for my Mrs. Craver, who I have at my side.  She has known my weakensses and faults, and continues to love me regardless.  Those of you who know us on Facebook know that she constantly pours encouragement and inspiration into our marriage.  This week, she and I are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary.  That means that I'll be somewhat limited in my online access, but I expect you will understand.  We're doing a lot of "walking and talking."  Now that I've thawed out from a previous excursion, it's time to hit the pavement again.  See you soon!


Jackie said...

A quarter of a century together for you two. How blessed and wonderful that is!
Congratulations...and take long slow walks together...enjoy talking and listening.
The very best to both of you...

Lew said...

Happy anniversary again! And don't let Frosty bite you on those excursions. I also note that your header nicely fits the "skyline" theme.

happyone said...

Happy Anniversary.
We have one coming up next week - 41 years!

Carletta said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope it was extraordinary!

We just celebrated our 38th in Dec.

Betty Manousos said...

aw, happy anniversary!!!
love the photo:)

imac said...

Sorry late visiting here, not blogged at all - only the header, hence not visited anyone, time seemed to slip by.
Love the post and pic, I know now that you both really enjoyed yourselves. Many congrats on your 25th Anniversary my friend.

You can see the love halo around =both of your heads, even if Cravers is a little cock-eyed lol.