Man, o’l Craver’s really been slacking lately, huh? Between trying to keep up with all the regular stuff of life, I have had a couple new responsibilities lately, plus my “short list” of books just seems to keep getting bigger. I wanted to join my pastor’s Bible-reading schedule, but I’m so far behind, that I’m just a dot on the horizon. (I’m not quitting; I’m just behind…very, very behind.) There just doesn’t seem to be enough time!
I’m not complaining; don’t call a waaambulance.
So, while I get back to the business of doing, enjoy the picture above. I like it because of the different styles and numbers on the faces of the clocks. Do you know why most clocks with Roman numerals use “IIII” instead of “IV”? Does anyone actually have the definitive answer or is it all just speculation?
That link wasn't working and I can't figure out why I can't change to a font with serifs for the entire post and remove the extra characters in the link. If you're still with me, I'll try again here:
Roman numerals
don’t call a waaambulance.
Classic, gotta use that soon...
Never did know why the IIII...
Dude, go over to Daniel's and leave the waaambulance on his first post with the videos...he was speaking about his meta drying up...I'm giving you first dibs...
I feel like a high schooler again, that's what I get for finishing my sermon early...
Oh, I love clocks!! Those were lovley pictures. And I've always been rather curious about that "IIII" thing myself.
And as far as that "short list of books to read" getting longer. Um, I hear ya. In stereo, as Armchair would say.
I learn something new every day.
Nice 'The Kid' quote right? :)
Hi pete! 'The Kid' quote? Huh?? If that refers to waambulance, I don't recall where I heard it before, whether on a commercial or from Dave or another friend who heard it from the original source.
BTW, I absolutely will not buy a clock with a roman face that has "IV" for the four. For the craver family, it MUST have "IIII."
...you know you would be a hoot to work with! And I know deep down you think that I was work Employee of the Month! HA HA...ta for your comments - they made me laugh!
Hey Craver, the whole iiii thing is religious in nature: "iv" are the first two letters of Jupiter - the letter J being a a relatively recent addition to our alphabet, and the letters U and V being interchangeable in Latin. So IV was to take Jupiter's name in vain.
Latin class was not a waste, after all.
Here's documentation, should you not wish to take my word for it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numerals#IIII_or_IV.3F.
yeah, I'm not sure if it's a Bruce Willis original but he's making fun of the earlier version of himself and the kid starts crying and Willis turns to him and goes 'Yeah, cry it out, like you always do. Wait, I could call a waaaambulance'. The only reason I could remember it was Bruce Willis saying that line is hard to get out of your head :).
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