Wednesday, October 04, 2006

power outage

What movie was it? There was a man who claimed that he "was struck by thunder...twice." Weatherwise, yesterday was absolutely gorgeous! The day before, our area was hit by a pretty strong storm and when I arrived to work, there was no power, so I had to go back home. When I got home, I announced that the kids were getting a half-day of school (we homeschool), and after lunch, we were all going to the park. (Yea, Dad!) First, I took my teenage daughter shoe-shopping, and then, with every kind of sports equipment we own, we all took off to a really nice park. We had the whole place to ourselves! I enjoyed playing ball with my boys; the older one can hit farther than me. After the park, we went out for icecream. As I reclined on the couch, thinking that it had been a perfect day, Mrs. Craver whispered that she would like to go out to see a move...just the two of us. From this man's perspective, yesterday was such a phenomenal day! I may not have been able to have a productive workday, but it was a day my wife and kids will likely never forget. (sigh...) We should have power outages more often. ;-)


Anonymous said...

So, Mr. Craver are you sure you want to share about Mrs. Craver's wanting to watch a move!! ;) Or did you mean movie? Careful with that keyboard...

Craver Vii said...

Mrs. Craver said she likes your picture, because it looks like you're laughing at me. And of course she wants to see me bust a move! Okay, it was a typo; it should have said movie.

"Mr. Craver?" You don't have to be so formal. Just call me Craver.

Even So... said...

Yeah, sounds like fun, good for you guys.

Anonymous said...

am i supposed to infer what i think i am? t.m.i.
