Friday, March 02, 2007

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Pronounced 'CRAVER SEVEN.' An anagram generator first gave me “Rev Vicar I.” Whoa, that comes across kind of pompous, doesn’t it? But I am glad to confess certain “cravings.” Here are seven of them: God, His Word, prayer, the lost, the redeemed, Christian service, and my bride.
Ha! I love Steve Guttenberg! Unfortunately, many people would probably pick Bob Saget to play me.
I can only think of probably Eric Stolz for me due to the whole red hair, feaky looking eyes thing. :)
Don't laugh, but when I was in college people used to tell me I looked like...drum roll please...Hillary Clinton! I was never sure if this was a compliment or a slam. We sported similar hairstyles, which was part of the resemblence. I worked a retail job, and 3 or 4 times a day people would comment, "has anyone ever told you that you look just like..."
As far as actors to represent me, that's much harder. I'll have to think about that one...
I thought Raquel Welch would portray Mrs. Craver, but she said that in high school people said she looked like Ali MacGraw. I could see that.
I know what you’re thinking; Tom Selleck and Pierce Brosnan are probably disappointed that I didn’t pick them for the role of Craver. Yes, one might think that they would be the obvious choice, but they just can’t pull off that comical look that draws a laugh as well as a Steve Guttenberg, or do impersonations as well as Billy Crystal.
My students used to say I look like the original guy from Blue's Clues. Steve, I think.
They also said I looked like Aladdin. The Disney drawing.
I'd definitely want to be animated. Especially if they gave me a flying carpet and a talking monkey.
Let me say for the record that I don't look anything like Sandra Bullock. I look like some random acquaintance of every single person in the world, according to every single person in the world that I've ever talked to, but I don't know that I look like a celebrity. Although one or two people have told me I remind them of Allison Janney.
I just thought of Sandra Bullock because she's pretty good at playing hapless girl-next-door characters.
Jenn, see what you started? I pulled up a picture of Allison Janney and yes, you’re right. She does look like you.
A cartoon Mark? Nice touch!
At lunch, we “replaced” a bunch of our coworkers with Hollywood stars. It would be so cool working with Riccardo Montalban, William Shatner, David Hasselhoff, Meg Ryan, Jack Nicholson and Jennifer Garner!
I feel so proud . . .
As to working with Hollywood stars--I'm guessing if you were working with them, they wouldn't be Hollywood stars, and then nobody would think it was quite as cool. Right?
Rush Limbaugh and its a plus that he likes cats....
It would have to be George Cluney (if that is how you spell his name!) but as I look nothing like him and rather than having chisled looks I have a more smashed with a big hammer in the face look I suppose I would have to choose Oliver Hardy.
Nice photos on your blog!
So here's a fun site where you can all find out who will play you in your sitcom (have to register - sorry). I came out as Courtney Thorne-Smith. http://www.myheritage.com
Oh, and I'd be facinated to hear that lunch convo repeat!
Thnaks for your good wishes Craver, you just caught me!
Courtney Thorne-Smith. She’s the wife from According to Jim. Okay, I could see that one. I tried using that “Myheritate.com” thing, and I didn’t work so well for me.
Jazzycat, it seems that Martin Stickland tries to avoid one certain cat in his area. It’s called the Beast of Exmoor. It’s not your average kitty.
Bob Saget and Eric Stolz, nice of you to leave a note.
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