Friday, April 27, 2007


I picked this one up from Lee. Why do I feel like this is blogworthy? Two reasons. First, that fantastic Frap-drink is Mrs. Craver's favorite. Second, I have a growing number of friends (two) who work at Starbucks.
. Line Space . You Are a Frappacino

At your best, you are: fun loving, sweet, and modern

At your worst, you are: childish and over indulgent

You drink coffee when: you're craving something sweet

Your caffeine addiction level: low


L.L. Barkat said...

I'm tea.

Craver Vii said...

I'm forty-one, but what does that have to do with coffee?

David Zimmerman said...

Forty-one?!?!? You're like Earl Dorian Gray!

And I'm dark-roasted with a strong vanilla flavoring. Or something like that.

Llama Momma said...

Okay, something is wrong with this test. My results are identical to yours, Craver, which simply can't be right. I am so addicted to caffeine it's not even funny!

When I was at the hospital waiting to get my gall bladder taken out, I had to call the nurse for pain meds -- not for my gall bladder, but for a killer caffeine headache! (Incidentally, she said this is very common.)

Craver Vii said...

You have a point, LM. Let’s see how I would rewrite it for accuracy:

At your best, you are: Godfearing, Spirit filled/driven & Christlike
At your worst, you are: let’s not even go there
You drink coffee when: you’re awake
Your caffeine addiction level: I can quit any time. In fact, I’ve quit several times this year already, but my mind was changed later, that’s all. (slurp)

Another thing: they say drinking coffee stunts you growth... pheh! My dad is five feet and half an inch. I outgrew him by seven inches. You realize that if this growth trend continued, my grandson would be almost seven feet tall?!!

L.L. Barkat said...

Did you think I said I am three? (That would make you 38 years older than me!)

Tea is an alternative to coffee. So, yes, I'm tea. A very alternative kind of person. But I think you knew that...

Craver Vii said...

That LL is such a kidder! Tea. Yeah, right. Who ever heard of a tea bean. Yes, I use this grinder for coffee beans as well as (dramatic air quotes) “tea beans.” Look here, at my crops, sugar cane, coffee and “tea beans.”

I’m not saying that it never existed, mind you. I remember something from our history books saying that tea went extinct in Boston, back in the 1700’s.

Okay, now that I got that out of my system, what’s your favorite tea? How do you drink it? I use only sugar, and sometimes with nothing at all. Cinnamon tea on cold days, and green tea whenever. I sometimes drink those straight—no sugar. (It’s like my tea is naked.)

Anonymous said...

(*gasp*) He said "naked" (tee hee)

Anonymous said...

Ohh, and it says I'm a Frappacino too, but I think it's seriously underestimating my caffeine addiction and really my favorite is a Grande 2% latte (cheers to Starbucks and all their wonderful baristas!)

Anonymous said...

I was iced coffee, which I don't even like. :)

Anonymous said...

I changed all my answers and now I'm a frappacino. Life is good.

Anonymous said...

And...(sorry comment hog alert), my favorite to is Earl Gray, hot (oops that's someone else). Actually, Irish Breakfast Tea with a little cream and sugar.

Taliesin said...

So, according to the test, I'm Irish Coffee:

At your best, you are: wild, spontaneous, and outgoing

At your worst, you are: too extreme and reckless

You drink coffee when: you want to keep drinking booze

Your caffeine addiction level: low

"wild, spontaneous, and outgoing" - I think the results must be inverted or something.

Jennwith2ns said...

And here I thought I didn't like frappucinos.

Maybe I still don't--because maybe none of you are them. I took the quiz twice with completely different answers, just because none of the multiple choices really resonated with me anyway. According to trial 1, I am a frappucino (which must mean I dislike myself, but I don't, usually), and according to trial 2, I am black coffee. Which might be right, but it's hard to say . . .

Unknown said...

I turned out to be a frap too. I actualy don't drink coffee or tea. Maybe once or twice a year.

Shiloh Guy said...


OK. So I broke my own rule and went and did your Starbucks quiz. We have a Starbucks in our Barnes and Noble and a Starbucks in our local grocery store and I always get the same thing, Caramel Macchiato. But your quiz says I'm a frappucino! What the frappin' kind of test is this?

I office at home so I'm drinking hot liquids all day. I only drink coffee when my lovely wife makes too much of it. (I'm a Scot and we can't waste anything!) But I drink tea...all day. By the pot! Scottish Breakfast in the morning. Earl Grey in the afternoon. And Taj Mahal (which I bring back from my India trips) in the evening. But I can quit anytime.

Oh, one more thing. Tea drinkers in England are divided into two main groups. Do you put your cream in the cup BEFORE you pour in the tea or AFTER? (I put it in before!)


Ted M. Gossard said...

Craver, Coffee of anykind will do for me. I like to vary what I buy from one cannister to the next. But when we can afford it someday, I'll probably buy one of those more exotic kinds here and there (like Seattle's Best, etc).

I just hope I can keep drinking coffee well into my old age, if I live that long.

Lifelong Learner said...

I'm iced coffee. More precisely Ice Caramel Latte. Large. Especially on a hot day.

Jennwith2ns said...

Shiloh Guy--What do you make of this: I put the milk in second if I'm making tea directly in the mug with a teabag, but first if I'm pouring from a pot.

Craver Vii said...

Milk in tea. Why would you want to do that?