- Post the rules of the game.
- Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
- People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things
- At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
- Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.
- I attended a High School Seminary expecting to become a Roman Catholic priest. I always pictured myself having grandkids some day, so that wouldn't have worked out.
- I was never good at sports, but I have a varsity letter for wrestling because the school I went to my Freshman year was too small to have a JV team. I lost both exhibition matches.
- My wife was married before. I got to raise her daughter as my own. Once, before we were married, I was horsing around at church, and accidentally kicked our little redhead in the mouth. She was the one bleeding, but it was me who almost died when her mom found out!
- I did not have any friends until high school. I was an introvert from 1965 to 1979.
- I love archery. When I was single, I used to go to the range a lot. The local pros gave me the nickname "Lightnin" ...I thought it was because I had a fast shot. They said it was `cuz "lightnin' don't strike the same spot twice."
- I used to hate Star Trek TNG, but wound up being a devoted fan.
- I used to love dogs and hate cats, but that is reversed now.
- I'm obsessed with the pursuit of a perfect lawn (front yard only).
Alrighty now...who/whom shall I tag? Usually, I don't obey the Meme rules and tag people, but I'm feelin' crazy. Let's see if we can know some of these folks better:
Amusing Mom, Amy Goodyear, Andy Unedited, Ester, Inihtar, Greek Geek, Lee, Llama Momma, Martin Stickland, Pete Juvinall, Reconciliation Blog, Spaghettipie, Stacy, and Stacey
Craver, I loved it! Interesting stuff. I'm with you on the whole perfect lawn thing. I'm totally obsessed with de-weeding the flower beds. I cannot stand even the smallest of one of those critters.
But please don't say you hate dogs!
And, I'm glad you've come out of your introvert stage. :)
The problem with this is it leads to more questions -
No friends from 65' to 79'? None at all? What happened in 79'?
I'm with you on TNG...it's actually my fave Star Trek series.
Why the reversal on dogs and cats?
'65-'79? I was born in '76-Boy, I feel young! *grin*
My dilemma now is that I don't know who to tag! I've realized a read other blogs, but don't necessarily interact. OK. I'm just going to jump in and tag people. Time to get out of my comfort zone...
BTW, what DID happen in '79? I completely understand introverts, though. I'm married to one. You guys are pretty fun.
Interesting stuff, Craver. Fun to get to know you better. I've never heard of a High School Seminary...
I've posted mine.
Personally, I find the "Lightnin'" comment hilarious.... don't know why.
1979. Freshman year of high school. I was away from all my family, alone at seminary. That was when I started to learn not to take myself too seriously. It was difficult and painful at first, but there came a point where I stopped hugging the hurt and began embracing the possibility that I could actually call someone my friend.
And “Lightnin” was downright hilarious! It didn’t matter that they were poking fun, it’s still the coolest nickname on the range. ;-)
Thanks for including me - I guess I am getting sucked into the blogosphere after all. I'll try my best.
Okayyyy… I shouldn’t say that I “hate” dogs. I don’t really hate dogs, because I love to play with other people’s dogs. What I should have said was that I would be fine if I did not own a dog. My wife and kids love our dog.
If any of you like dogs more than cats, that’s fine. Even those nasty cat jokes are fine. They’re funny, really. But cats are cool and smart and much lower maintenance. The dogs I have owned have all managed to really bug me.
An introvert? Surely you jest.
I know, I know, but if you could find anyone who ONLY knew me in grade school, they would be just as surprised to find that I am this extroverted today!
I wish my seminary classmates could sit in on a Sunday School class, too! We use this amazing textbook, it's called "the Bible." I don't say that to me mean, but the then and now contrast just blows me a way. Sadly, I cannot recall cracking a Bible open even once during my whole seminary time.
I'm glad you came out of yuor shell, Craver...and I think you are one year older than me, and I am married to a woman that had been married before...
I was reading your blog (obviously a little too quickly) and I thought I read that you used to, "love drugs and hate cats". It didn't make much sense, so thinking I must not know you at all, I had to reread. I'm so relieved it is dogs you loved (now hate) and not drugs. I mean the hating now of drugs would be good, but the loving in the past caused me concern.
Glad you're clean,
The weird symbols are gone. The text looks better for now, because I did not use Microsoft Word to compose the text. It took a much longer time to put the text together, so I don't know how often I will be able to do that.
Traffic in the blogosphere was lighter than usual, wasn't it?
We are glad you love cats better...
wayne and Jazzy
BTW, we knew a fighter pilot who's call sign was "Lightning" for the same reason. :)
Phew-glad the symbols are gone *grin*
So...why only the front lawn?
I work hard at growing healthy grass up front, but when we're out back, I'm more concerned about growing healthy kids. I go a head and let them play, and even dig holes and blow dandelion puffy seeds all over the place. Also, I may be careful about herbicides and insecticides out front, but moreso in our backyard. Um, let's see... what else? Oh, and we have a dog, and it's my son's responsibility to pick up the "presents" it leaves for him. If he doesn't pick it up, neither will I.
Here's how we delegate taking care of the green stuff... My job is only to take care of the front lawn and bushes. Mrs. Craver does all the flowers and vegetables, S1 does the back grass. I think it's a good system.
Ah, I see. Very nice system! Better than here, where it's pretty much "Watch Mom do all the work everywhere!"
But not today. I'm off to the movies! :-)
Hey thanks for the tag, Craver. I will answer it later this week. And frankly, Lightnin', I'm glad you've seen the errors in all your ways - introversion, hating cats, and hating TNG. I knew you were cool :)
Hey Deborah, I am pretty sure Craver got his ear peirced in the "love drugs, hate cats" time of his life. Thank God he stopped tha drugs! There is still hope for the earring!
your friend from NSC!!REALLY a friend!
Hey! I meant to comment days ago when I did my meme... But it looks like you found it anyway! =] Glad to be taking blog-friendship one step closer to real friendship, since I, too, found yours off of Margaret's blog and was a bit weirded out to find you on Jenn's as well... Shall we all say together: small world?!? Fun times... Good luck with those dandylions, I've been surprised to see a few around Scotland - didn't know we had them this side of the ocean!
Interesting. Especially the thought of being an introvert. Yeah....
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