Let’s say you were talking about Jesus, as the only way to eternal life. And you wanted to make a Scripture reference, so that if you rest the mouse on it (without clicking) the text of the verse pops up. It would look like this: John 10:9
Could you use something like that? You can find out how to do it by clicking on the button below, then selecting the Abbreviations and acronyms link on that page.
I want my whole life to be an arrow, pointing to this one door. There are people all over the world committed to this message, and even today, people suffer at the hands of those who reject the message. If you are a disciple of Jesus, please pray for both groups. That the ones who suffer would be strong in the Lord, and that their persecutors would see the light, and receive God’s free gift. It is the only door that leads to life.
Photo credits: Gate from Martin Stickland, Doors from Flickr.com
Having trouble with the link (button)? Try this and go to "formatting."
You know, I can't really say much, but we have friends and no folks who are persecuted for what they believe. The risks they take to tell others is just amazing. We can't pray enough for them.
On another note, I see you recently went to the Philippines. My daughter just went to a soccer tournament there (she's goalie, but that's a whole other brag post!) and absolutely loved it. It's someplace I'd like to visit.
um...*clears throat*... know folks.
Wow, awesome picture and thought.
And, like the coolest trick ever - thanks for sharing.
OK - it says the file doesn't exist - and when I go to the "go here to fix it" place, I don't see anything about formatting - so I'm giving up on a real comment until you do another post.
Slick trick, Craver! Let me know when the links get straightened-I'm a little lost out there on that big web page.
Oh, by the way, I've Tagged you over at my blog...heheehehe!
Goalie? Impressive! I can't say I'm surprised, though... after the recent story you told about your son.
Sorry about the button. I tried to fix it this morning and ran out of time. I think I made it worse, actually. Try here.
Tagged?? Oh Eve, you wanna play tag, huh? You just wait… (Where is that staple gun we had ‘round here?)
Oh hey, I just put up a new link in my sidebar. When you get a chance, go have a look at Andy Unedited.
99 posts from Craver on his blog...
99 posts from Craverrrrr...
Take one down, pass it around
98 posts from Craver on his blog...
98 posts from Craver on his blog...
what's that? You don't want me to finish the song? But I just started!
*starts tying balloons all over the place, humming quietly*
Eve and LL, can you help me with this banner?
On a more serious note, I love the photo and appreciate your thoughts, as usual. It reminds me of a song that goes something like...
All of life, comes down to just one thing, that's to know you, Jesus, and make you known...
Don't you hate it when things don't work out the way you planned? I can so relate to that unuseful button today. A great idea, sure, but it just doesn't quite work...
Spaettipie, should we hire a clown for craver's celebration-oh, no-a mime...yes, that's it!
And LL can bring the flowers and the salad...Deborah can bring the chocolate cake and the spicy shrimp...Mark can bring his clan all dressed up in kilts..."Hey craver-Mark needs his pink kilt back!"....Don't ask :)
Spaghettipie, the second song was waayyyy better.
Llama, it should be working now.
Eve. Oh Eve, what are we to do with you? I'll tell you what. You can bring a clown or mime, if I can bring a BB-gun. Heh, heh.
Craver, you said, "I want my whole life to be an arrow, pointing to this one door."
Me, too.
Sometimes I'm just not sure what my arrow should look like. Do I need to be a flashing neon sign like the One-Way to Heaven Church sign in The Apostle? Not that there's anything wrong with that sign. Or being that kind of sign.
These photos tell the story of the narrow way quite poignantly.
Thanks for the great tech tip, too! I can't wait for the 100th post!
Craver, I've actually been a clown before-no I mean a real clown! ...put away the BB gun, Craver *grabs a nearby garbage can lid as a sheild*
Mark, not that we shouldn't pay attention to what we arrows look like, but those are secondary issues. In keeping the main thing, as the main thing, I feel that secondary things are sufficiently ironed-out.
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