Other books I am currently reading:
Your Work Matters to God by Doug Sherman and William Hendricks
Living Downstream by Sandra Steingraber Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch The Bible (English Standard Version)
I try to read at least a little of the Bible each day. I suppose the average is about four chapters. If I figured right, I should be able to finish a read-through by the end of the year. Last time, I used the NASB '95. Of course, the Bible reading is different from the other books because it doesn't matter so much when I finish. It's more important to me that I get my nose in the Word on a regular basis.
And truly, we never finish (the bible). At least with me, every time I read it, I feel it is new. Often, I think, "Is THAT in there? Why didn't I see THAT before?"
LL, I just had one of those moments last night reading Galatians 5 in a SG setting. There's a silly 'trying' in front of 'to achieve righteousness' that I totally blew past; it added a newer dimension to the message that Paul was getting across.
I've read it twice all the way through and reading it the second time around I've found myself saying that very same thing, "I didn't see THAT before!"
Gotta love it!
Happy reading Craver!
I love a good book.
I have a big old Bible here that was printed in 1828, would you like it? If so, email me your address. It my be of no monetary value and the shipping cost may be more than it's worth but I am sure that its spiritual value will be priceless to you. I think it must have belonged to an old 'man of the cloth' I am sure that it could do with a good home even though it is a bit tired.
Ahh - your reading list is a bit intimidating - but I must admit, I will want to borrow the Hatfield book when you are done - and GLADLY not have to read the eldership book!
Ah, yes LL, that is one thing that continues to impress me. That though the book does not change, it continues to change the reader.
Which verse, Pete?
JJ, I’m still obsessing over your identity. Won’t you show some mercy?
Martin, I sent an email. :-)
Halfmom, intimidating?? Ha! Riiiight!
I’m sure you are aware that I have not been appointed to eldership in our church. And completion of the training will not necessarily secure that position, either. Still, the book is definitely a useful read for any church person who wishes to understand the concept better. So far, it’s been a real eye-opener.
By the way, I laugh at the intimidation comment because, while these are very good books, they're all in contemporary English. I know of some who are studying in something other than their first language, or reading the older English of the Puritans. John Owen, anyone? Or perhaps you would rather curl up with a sweet little Greek epistle... How 'bout Hebrew poetry?
Craver, the Strauch book should be a big help, and may God bless you to be a big help to those whom you will be an elder to and for...thank you, and...well, I just want to say that I love you, and Margie and I both hope to meet you this side of heaven, but we'll see you there and in the blogosphere, friend...
Don't fret over my identity too much, obsessing over something would be considered as sin. I certainly wouldn't want you to go there now, would I?
Mystery continues.
A clue? May I at least have a clue?
Yes, JJ, how about a little game. I would love to watch Craver guessing like a fiend. Kind of like an identity treasure hunt!
Et tu, LL? Et tu?
Notice how JD (Even So…) doesn’t put his friend through the proverbial ringer.
Oh, and JD: I had a good laugh as I read the acknowledgements page of your book because, never having heard you call your wife anything other than “Margie,” it sounded like you made a huge (unforgivable) mistake:
To Margie, my wife, the perfect companion for me…
…I love you Elizabeth.
“Elizabeth—I mean Margie! Wait! I always knew it was you. No, no, don’t go. Oh Honey, if you take the car, how am I gonna get to work. C’mon Babe, not the dog; please don’t take the dog…”
So, I’m guessing Elizabeth is her middle name? No, how ‘bout this? Elizabeth Margaret Hatfield. And you usually call her Margie?
JJ, you obviously belong here with LL and I-we love tormenting Craver!! (all in good fun, of course-heheehe!)
...JJ...Jelly Jam?
I have nothing profound to say, but am posting a comment anyway. Because I can!! It's the last day of preschool. :-)
And, I'm also curious about JJ. Could it be our old friend, For Now??
Just give us a little clue. Pretty please?
LL - I totally agree about finding new things in the Bible...sometimes I read it am almost embarrassed to find things I never saw before that seem so obvious now!
Marjorie Elizabeth Hatfield
Sounds like a great list of books. Are you planning to blog on any of them?
no llama not me!
OOOPS!!!!!..I didn't mean to leave that last one anon!!! Please, please don't delete me Mr. Craver...PLEEEEASE!
Oh shoot! I did anon again! It's me For now, but in response to the llama it's not me! Get it?
Eve, jam all the way but no peanut butter!
llama momma, I'm not For Now.
I will not take off the "just journaling" mask. It stays on!
hahahaha hahahaha
But since you've asked so nicely, here's some clues -
I'm tall yet somewhat short.
I have short hair with long strands.
And I do enjoy journaling.
Can you guess?
Don't worry "For Now", I set them straight that I'm not you!
ESI: I don't know yet. Maybe.
JJ: Red Prayer Journal??
Yes, Craver
Whew! (wiping brow)
Now, was that our first acquaintance, or do you have the upper hand from a previous meeting of some sort?
No more questions
mystery continues - - -
I've probably read Strauch about 4 times. Great book.
Craver 4 You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.
JJ, are you the Blog ghost that haunts Craver's dreams? :) Perhaps I've watched Phantom of the Opera too many times... :)
blog ghost....?
craver's dreams.....?
keep it clean now!
Pete, I had to read your comment a couple times, because at first I though you were admonishing me, but I couldn’t figure out why. Now I see it. You were answering the question about which verse “popped out” at you in your small group meeting. Got it.
Yes, Just Journaling does have a certain ghostlike quality, right?
And why is it so hard to remember dreams. I had a dream this weekend that I was desperately trying to accomplish a task a certain way, and when I woke up, the solution was clear. I thought, “Why didn’t you just do it this way?” It made perfect sense after I awoke. But now, I can’t remember the details.
I’m so forgetful.
Hey, has anyone read Elders and Leaders by Gene Getz? If so, what did you think of it, and how would you compare it to Strauch’s book? I haven’t read that one yet, and I don’t know if it has a workbook.
(Craver Said...Yes, Just Journaling does have a certain ghostlike quality, right?)
Well, it's either "just journaling" or I sign on as anonymous and I know Craver doesn't approve of that.
Now on with a different subject other than my ghostlike responses.
Take heart! Dreams have a way of giving fake Eureka feelings-they seldom are realistic!
I'm bored and have writer's block myself; could you please post a new entry?
A man after my own heart. You sound like me, Craver. How do you like that? (scary, isn't it!)
If someone told me, "You sound like Ted Gossard," I should think that would be a compliment.
"." I have often thought the very same thing. :-)
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