Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I was born July 11, 1965. Things were probably quite comfortable in Mommy's womb. I can't remember much from the early days (before birth), but this was the day I just knew I had to make a change.


My memory is a little fuzzy, so it's hard to describe. But it was definitely NOT a day like any other day. There was an overwhelming sense of urgency that came over my entire being. It was more than an itch that needed scratching, it was almost a panic... like when you're swimming and gasp for air, only to find that you haven't surfaced yet.


Long story short, we (Mom and I) made it through okay. Once I had made it through to the other side, I almost wished I was back in my old little room, 'cause some old guy tried to pick a fight with me. He picked me up by my ankles and gave me a totally unprovoked whack! Punk! Boy was I mad, so I gave him a dirty look and I'm ashamed to say, but... well, I said some things.


Anyway, this dude backed off 'cause he saw I was about to open up a can of whoopin' on him. Standing close by, there was a sweet (as in kind) young lady standing there who saw the whole thing. She saw that I was cold, so she gave me a blanket. Then she hugged me. I'm telling you, that is awkward, getting hugged when your arms are wrapped up tight against your own body and you can't hug them back. She probably noticed that I was blushing, and set me down in the biggest bed I had ever seen.


I think I fell asleep and can't remember much after that. (sigh) What a day!


After work today, I hope Mrs. Craver makes that blueberry dump cake I like so much.


Image by Tracy Layne


Anonymous said...

blueberry dump cake? what is that?
doesn't sound too appetizing. maybe if you were to explain what it is . . .

Craver Vii said...

Hello Homebound, nice of you to drop in. Dump cake. I am so bad at cooking or baking, but picture this, you take your cake mix and pie filling and throw it in a crock pot for a while. The dessert that comes out is out of this world! It goes great with coffee and ice cream.

L.L. Barkat said...

That sounds so interesting. The cake. Not the birth. Well, not that birth isn't interesting. Especially yours.

jazzycat said...

Just replace the blueberries with cherries and Jazzy and I will be over........

Anonymous said...

dump cake. I think this needs an explanation

Taliesin said...

I'm singing "Happy Birthday". Are the dogs howling yet?

Lifelong Learner said...

Happy Birthday!

Any family birthday rituals in your house?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, scrappy even from birth, huh? Well, Happy Birthday to ya and may you be dumped upon grandly (with blueberries and ice cream of course!).

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

Happy Birthday Craver. O's was today and we just got home from the last of the festivities - she couldn't figure out why all those college students were at Oberwise when we walked in - and then more came - it was pretty funny when she finally realized they were there for her!

Blueberry cake of any kind sounds pretty good to me - so I think I may come visit you tomorrow!!!!

Cuckoo said...

Just dropped in to say Happy Birthday !!

May I have my piece of cake now ?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to yoooooo!
Any cake left?
WOW! Look at all those candles! I'll bet they show up on the map at google Earth!

Craver Vii said...

As with most recipes, people have their favorite names for the dessert. It is also referred to as a crockpot cobbler. And Jazzy, the last time I had this, they put blueberry pie filling on one side, and cherry on the other. I had both, and the cherry was just as fantastic!

Yes LL, and isn't it something to be able to remember that day with such clarity?

Mike and Cukoo, welcome aboard! So nice of you to drop by. I look forward to exploring your blogs today.

Taliesin, from here it sounded like perfect harmonization with Susan. As for the howling, that must have been me, singing along with the radio. Sorry... I thought the windows were closed at the time.

Stacy, one thing we usually do for birthdays is to make a telephone serenade. When I got to the office, I found that I already had a message. It was a solo performance from my 8-year old son.

Halfmom and Stacey, I think you both know that my stomach is VERY close to my heart. Thanks for your kind wishes, and a visit from you guys is always welcome!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, my dear hubby!

Your blueberry/cherry crockpot pie will be waiting for you when you get home from work! And since I'm on the worship team practice tonight, maybe you can bring me a piece. luv ya! ;-)

oh, and by the way, it's not blueberry dump cake - not crazy about the word dump for a dessert. Just doesn't seem to sit right, y'no!

Jennifer said...

HAHAHA, what a fantastic story! That definitely brightened my day.

A very happy birthday to you Craver! May you treasure Christ even more in this coming year than the past one.

Craver Vii said...

Okay, my wife is making that blueberry crockpot cobbler thing, AND she visited my blog... Sluggo, you made my day!

Even So... said...

Happy B-day, enjoy the blueberry crockpot cobbler thing...

Craver Vii said...

Thanks Hibby and JD. I am blessed.

Unknown said...

Happy b-day! My hubbies was on the 9'th.

We had chocolate marble cake in the shape of the cottage-complete with miniature outhouse. :)

Martin Stickland said...

So sorry Craver, I have not forgotton your gift but things are rather tight at the moment. A promise is a promise though and I will send it to you, you deserve it moe than I do!

L.L. Barkat said...

Why, happy birthday. Somehow I missed the whole suggestion, even as you remembered the day of your birth! (with great clarity, yes.)

Anonymous said...

sorry I didn't say this before . . .

happy birthday, craver!

enjoy your crockpot cobbler thing!

Craver Vii said...

No biggie, Martin. If you send it, I will have to build a display, anyway. For now, I'm quite content to have your whacky blog postings and an occasional comment.

Muchas gracias Homebound y SeƱora Barkat. Lo agradesco (I appreciate it). I'm curious Homebound, do I already know you, or did you visit from somebody else's blog?

Jennwith2ns said...

Craver. I have been thinking about your birthday all day. I just haven't been near a computer to say anything about it until now. Here is what I have to say:


Don't think less of me for being so far down on the comment list.

Pete Juvinall said...

Happy Birthday Craver! May you day have been full of seeing God's grace on your path thus far :).

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Craver! I'm a little late, but it's still the 11th. Any cake left?

July is an excellent month for birthdays. :) My son will be (gulp) 18 on Saturday, then there's me and Scribe on the 18th...

I do hope your day was blessed!

Craver Vii said...

Don't be silly Jenn. I wouldn't think less of you because of when you joined the party. I'm just glad you came. The only thing is, I wish you had closed the door behind you, because Pete got in and he's got a merciless appetite. Ook-lay at the ake-cay on the able-tay.

Hurry Gayla. You might still have a little!

spaghettipie said...

Happy Birthday! So that's what that glow was when I looked to the north...your cake!

We call that "Magic Cake" in our house because it magically comes together.

I'll easily remember your birthday because mine is 10 days (and, ahem, several years...) afterwards!

Llama Momma said...

Happy Birthday, Craver! Except...it's not, is it? I'm lookin' at the date thinking it's July 11, but I don't think it is anymore...

I hope you enjoyed your, er, DUMP cake.


Anonymous said...

i was doing that surfing thing on blogs and i happen to come across yours. interesting blog and i like how the people respond.

so, how was your cobbler thing? mrs craver mentioned she would have it for you after work.

Lara said...

Craver-I keep missing stuff in blogdom (like the party over at LL's). And now your birthday. Well, it's a tiny bit belated, but hope you had a good one. Happy belated birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Craver!

May you have a great year ahead of you while you keep your focus on our sweet Lord!

Craver Vii said...

Magic cake? That's cute, Spaghettipie. Anyway, it sounds better than "dump."

No, of course it's not my birthday, Llama Momma. My birthday was over forty years ago, but if you think it is a cause for celebration, you may do so at any time whatsoever. Mrs. Craver threw me a surprise party for my 40th... in SEPTEMBER! It was a tremendous success... I was surprised.

Homebound, the magic, blueberry, crock pot, slow cooker, dump, cobbler thing was totally YUM! I had a little ice cream with it. And let me say that I'm grateful you were able to catch the cyber wave that brought you here. :-)

Believe me AMM, I totally understand... what, with the fish funerals and all. Heh, heh.

How kind, JJ. Thanks.

Scribe said...

Happy belated birthday, Craver...had I been in town I would have called ya... we still need to hook up!

WOW! Look at all those candles! I'll bet they show up on the map at google Earth!
Oooh Susan, now you wrong fo' dat!

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

I'm so very glad that Mrs Craver stopped by your blog - I had such a lovely talk with her on the day before your birthday.

I actually think Mrs Craver still LIKES you, as well as loves you - and I must admit to being a bit envious of people that like and their persisting love each other - Oh, and of course, the cake!

david mcmahon said...

Dear Mrs Craver,

(Yepm MRS CRAVER). Blueberry cake? Don't give it to Craver. Send it to me, in Australia!



23 degrees said...

1965—I knew I liked you for a reason, Craver. Happy Birthday (belated)

Craver Vii said...

Hey Scribe, welcome back! It's okay... there were no candles on my blueberry "crockpot pie." It's official... that's what Mrs. Craver is calling it.

Halfmom, you think she likes me? You should have seen the look she gave when I called the blueberry dessert by the wrong name. I don't call her "Sluggo" for nothing. ;-)

David, I would only send the blueberry thing if I could be on the same plane and visit you for a bit.

No way 23-d, are you and I the same age? Don't make me cut you in half and count the rings now... Because of course, that's the only way to know for sure. When's your birthday?

23 degrees said...

I am afraid I got you by a few weeks, it's June 18th. The odd thing—I can only see 17 rings.

Blessings, bro.