I'm trying to determine which is worse, people who load the toilet paper the wrong way, or people who don't care..
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Image by: Kipin
Pronounced 'CRAVER SEVEN.' An anagram generator first gave me “Rev Vicar I.” Whoa, that comes across kind of pompous, doesn’t it? But I am glad to confess certain “cravings.” Here are seven of them: God, His Word, prayer, the lost, the redeemed, Christian service, and my bride.
I'm trying to determine which is worse, people who load the toilet paper the wrong way, or people who don't care..
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And I'm trying to determine what the "wrong" way is. I think this is one debate that will give you a run for your money, Craver. Let's see where the thread takes us!
As bad as that is, I believe people that do not know how to tear checks from their checkbook is even worse. I really believe the proper way should be taught in school.
Uh-oh, dare I ask which is the "right" way?
Is the folded triangle at the end optional? It seems so unlike you to be so easily irritated. Did you get a new cleaning lady? You aren't blmaing Mrs. Craver for this infraction are you?
in response...yes!
Reminds me of the old schoolboy joke "Do you use your right or left hand to wipe your bottom?" "Well actually I use toilet paper!"
Gosh! How crude of me!
Of course there's a right way!
Here in Taiwan, you have to grab the toilet paper on the way in to the bathroom. They don't care which way it's loaded. They also don't have Charmin. That's all I'm gonna say about that.
I wonder if it's worse that people obsess over such things ;)
Watch out Petey, lest I drive down there and glue your typing fingers together. I'm not obsessing, I'm just right about this, and the crazy thing is that people don't get it...
Look at all these other options! Thanks for expanding our potty talk. (Gee, I didn't think I would ever say something like that.)
Anyway, when the roll is mounted parallel to the wall, and there is an option of feeding from the top or the bottom, the right way is... over the top as pictured here in a picture by Karianna (triangle fold optional).
By the way, before anyone judges my response to Pete. We are friends, and I wouldn't drive down there to glue his fingers. He would have to come up here for that.
Amen, brother! But if you find it loaded improperly (anywhere), do you feel compelled to fix it?
My brother in law has ocd--seriously. And he loads his paper to dispense from the bottom. I never mess with his, because it's a special situation, but otherwise, yes. I usually right a wrong wherever I see it. If I see litter on the ground, I pick it up. If something spills, I grab a towel. If the tp is backwards, I reload it.
So now all your friends know who keeps messing with their TP. (Could you come and right the wrong of my dishes in the sink?)
Perhaps you could also right the wrong of my unfolded laundry in the dryer?
By the way, I USUALLY load my toilet paper the way you suggest, but I actually don't think about it that much. Sometimes it's on there the other way, and somehow, it seems to come off the roll just as easily!
I saw a litterbug discard something from their car as I drove to work today. I wished I could pick up their junk and toss it back in their window.
OK, I agree about loading it over the top. But do you really change the TP in other people's houses?
What about in public restrooms? I'm imagining you with some portable crowbar thing you use to break the locks that protect the toilet paper in public restrooms.
There's a right way and a wrong way to do everything. The difficulty arises when what you think is the right way turns out to be the wrong way for someone else. And Vice Versa. But if you keep doing it the wrong way often enough, the wrong way can turn into the right way.... can't it?
Toliet Paper where did you come up with a great topic like that. I can't stand when someone tp's someones house they get the toliet paper upside down. but to respond to you I put the toliet paper up the correct way. wow to much information.
Craver question for you, Who invented toliet paper?
There's a tshirt we saw at Target that had a picture of a roll of toilet paper and said "This is how I roll." Though the tp was displayed in a way I would NOT have it, I so wanted the shirt because I just got a kick out of it. I didn't get it. I couldn't justify teaching the world the wrong way to put up top all because the shirt made me laugh.
Wes likes his tp rolling where you pull it from under the roll, I prefer mine where it comes from the top of the roll. So we compromise and alternate with each roll (yes, I know it's cheesy). Regardless of a compromise, I still say he's wrong. :)
I can't believe I spent this entire time talking about toilet paper. I need to go to bed.
Uh-oh, have I lost favor with Marcus over this toilet paper hang-up?
Wesley is an under-roller?! Mrrr, I am not entirely sure what to do with that information. Gosh, and he was my favorite son-in-law, too.
Randy, that's a tough question. I do not know if any specific person is given credit for the invention of toilet paper, but according to Wikipedia, it originated in China. Therefore, using a little creative license, and for lack of a better name, I would attribute the invention of toilet paper to "Danny Lu" (dunny loo).
You could have OCD too, giving ppl went willies and biting hands.
Okay, y'all have waaaay to much time on your hands! I'm just so happy if someone other than me actually refills the TP! Front, back, who cares?!
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