Monday, January 07, 2008

dynamic duo

Someone else took this picture, Probably Dad. That's my younger brother O, next to me, and I'm the rascal looking up in time to notice that our little "prison break" has been discovered.


It might be difficult for you to accept this, but O and I were not rascals at all. The escape was on account of we were a crime-fighting duo. Kind of like a younger version of Starsky and Hutch. We expected to return before anyone noticed we were gone.


Don't worry. I'm sure we caught up to the bad guys later.


Llama Momma said...

This brings back such fun -- ahem, did I really just say fun? -- memories for me! The noisy boys shared a crib for most of their first year of life. :-)

How much older are you than your brother? I'll bet you were mistaken for twins all the time. Which probably drove your mother nuts. (Just speculating.)

Thanks for sharing the photo! It really is priceless.

Cuckoo said...

Awwww, that's very cute !! Mischievous boys !

Are you both twins by a difference of a few minutes ?
And you still look very same.

Thanks for sharing this priceless photo.

Craver Vii said...

"O" is one year younger. We were both born in July. He was always stronger and loved sports; I was a skoshe taller (maybe 1/2 inch). He was the best man at my wedding. I am blessed to have such a good friend for my brother.

Llama Momma said...

Craver -- you warm this mother's heart. Oh that my boys would be grown and say the same of their brothers!!

imac said...

Yep 2 little rascals there, haha.

Hey, - Take a look at the 6 bloggers on the lilypad, ime sure you will like,haha.

Jennwith2ns said...

Whoa. You look just like . . . like . . . *you*. That is hilarious!

Every Square Inch said...


You look the same as you did then....well, except for the beard...and I presume you're much taller now.

Anonymous said...

a wonderful photo!

Anonymous said...

Craver- You two are bad to the bone. I am now afraid to mess with you.


Pete Juvinall said...

Obama was your younger brother?

Craver Vii said...

Cool photo, Imac! Hey guys, Imac turned me into a frog!

Ta-Daa... Jenn has returned! Welcome back. We missed you. Funny comment.

ESI, would you believe me if I told you that I was the same height then, as I am now? Yup. 5'7". It freaked people out. Just kidding.

I agree, Nancy. Not just 'cause of the handsome fellers, but I truly like the composition. It surprises me to find a decent picture, because when I looked at other family pictures from back then, it was... disturbing. The subjects were all over the place, things were slanted and cock-eyed. This one was okay. Thanks for the compliment. Now, I need to find out whether it was Mom or Dad.

You betta believe it, Randy! Just look at them rippling muscles!

Pete. (sigh) I don't know what we're gonna do with you.

david mcmahon said...

Dear Mrs Craver,

You and I have much to discuss here - was your spouse a rascal?

Judging by his pranks at the Great Aussie Christmas Bash, he is a God-fearing, wife-fearing, kid-fearing lad who lives for a laugh!!!

Whaddya reckon?

Anonymous said...

Hello David,

I reckon yer right!

Craver IS one of a kind, indeed! And yes he was and always will be a rascal! Let me put it to you another way . . . He pulls pranks so often that when he proposed to me, I thought he was joking, and I laughed at him. To my surprise, and a very wonderful one at that, he was serious! The rest is history! ;)

But I will say one thing that I DO admire about Craver, he loves the Lord!

Blessings to you, David,
Mrs. Craver

L.L. Barkat said...

Oh, my gosh, you look exactly the same! Well, minus the baby attire.

Jennwith2ns said...

Craver--I have always been here. Well, not here exactly. I have been reading your blog on google reader, and forget that I should actually come to the blog and voice my thoughts. Sorry!

Craver Vii said...

Oy Mate, I kid around about fearing my wife, but the truth is that I would be in serious agony without her. She's my favorite person in the whole world!

Hey, my Mrs! How you doin'?

People; you know who looks the same as a baby? Rowan Atkinson a.k.a. Mr. Bean.

Ah Jenn, so YOU"RE the one... I thought you were at accounting school.

Lin said...

I'm also in shock at how much you still look that little boy! It's quite marvelous really!