[Mrs. Craver (with her "new" camera) and two of our children.]

Lots of people were taking pictures. Now that we're in the digital (and disposable) camera age, are more guests toting cameras at weddings than there used to be? Probably..
Does this (the plethora of cameras) interfere with the business of the professional who is hired to record the event? I hope not, but from my own perspective, It was nice to get reunited with some of my old buds and get each other's pictures at our table..
I even got an interesting sunset shot from the reception hall. You can see it in two weeks. (I have one more moon shot to post this Friday.)
I like your photographer collage. A friend and I used to often take pictures of each other - for whatever reason. That's what your post made me think of.
Ornery was hired to photograph a nephew's wedding a few years ago. A cousin of the bride decided she wanted to do the same thing, although she wasn't asked to do so. All during the wedding, Ornery and my daughter, who was acting as his assistant, had to trip over her and wait while she got the same shots. She was actually in the way when the bride came in, and he missed the shot altogether. The sad thing is the cousin never gave any prints to the bride and groom, so those were lost. It was annoying, and now he will only photograph weddings if he is the exclusive photographer. Many professionals have a clause in their contract reflecting such a position.
I think taking some photos at weddings is ok, but guests should be considerate of the professional who was hired, and never get in the way or cause a hold up in the group photos. Often, these are the only pictures the regular guests are able to get from the event, since the professional ones are usually so expensive.
It is so fun to get together with family at weddings and reunions. I am happy for you that you were able to go and get some pictures to remember it by.
There was one shot AMM, where I was taking a picture of my wife, who was taking a picture of a man who was taking a picture of me taking a picture of my wife, who... oops, I got stuck in a loop there!
Hey OW, let ME be Ornery's assistant. I'll get me an electric cattle prod and a whip to make sure the aisles stay clear! I can never get over the outrageous behavior of some people who walk right through the middle of a picture.
And more so when the photographer is a professional. It would be a smart thing to get a quick huddle between the parents of the couple (for authority) and the ushers, and explain how they can, well... ush. You know what I'm saying? Deputize them photo-cops.
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