Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day


david mcmahon said...

Just saw ya question about Sky Watch Friday.

Yep, it's open to anyone. Post a pic and add your link to Dot's list at

Llama Momma said...


Shiloh Guy said...

And a Happy Valentine's Day to you too!


Shammickite said...

I think Baby is staying where it's warm, somebody told him/her about the nasty weather on the outside!
Thanks for your prayers.

mommanator said...

nice pics, original

Craver Vii said...

Perfect! Thanks, David.

Awww indeed LM. Except these flowers weren't from or for me. A coworker received them from her husband, and thus, you are sharing her blessing.

Hark! A voice from the past! Hey Shiloh Guy it's so good to hear from you!! I saw you have been to India... I must look into that. (I wish I could have gone with you.)

That's no good Shammy. Baby can't get Grandma's hugs and kisses inside the womb, so tell the little prince or princess to synchronize watches and start hatching already. :-)

Thank you, Mommanator. I know it looks a little on the busy side, but it all happened so fast.