Wednesday, June 25, 2008

the edge

Like most people nowadays, I was taught that the horizon was a relative place. What I mean is, if you move towards an object appears to be at the very edge of the horizon, when you get there, you would find that it is not the edge at all. The horizon continues to move away from you.


Or so I thought.


Walking across a large field one day, I finally came to the edge. It is far, far away, but there is an edge. The prairie grasses end abruptly, and then there is only sky. I did not dare to move too close, for fear that I would fall off, but as you can see from the photo, when you look down from the edge, you just see more sky.


The earth is round... like a pizza, but it is not a globe. I have found the edge! What a great discovery! They'll probably name a school or library after me.


Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

humm - I wonder what the name will be, "Craver was here", "here Craver fell off the earth", "craver forgot to look before he lept"?

What do you think we should name the school that is named after you.

dot said...

Craver that is really a beaufiul photo. It looks like a painting.

lime said...

wild shot!

be careful, i hear there are dragon out beyond the edge.

mommanator said...

Lovely pic, I hear Craver lives n the edge anyhow.
We all live on the presipis of life but our mastor holds us tight to Him

Ted M. Gossard said...

I really like the photo, but you've got me on any name for a school. Call it Craver's Creativity School, or something like that. Someone more creative help me!

orneryswife said...

cool picture! I like the feathery plumes on the grass, but I am like you, and wouldn't want to discover what was right past them!

Craver Vii said...

Those aren't school names, Halfmom. "Craver U" is just fine.

Thanks Dot; I agree. Or at least I thought it was worth putting the fishing pole down for a few seconds.

Perhaps, Lime. But maybe them dragons oughta be afraid of ME! (Roar! ... lol) Just kidding... Saturday night, I let an AC unit's compressor scare me; if any beasts at all surprised me, I'd jump out of my skin.

Yup, Mommanator. And he never lets us go. God never abandons the sheep he has called into His fold.

There you go, Ted! Good job... go give Halfmom a helping hand with the name, would you? Next, I humbly propose that we rename a super-library. Humbly, of course. ;-)

Well, I would TM; I just don't want to fall off. Perhaps a mirror at the end of a long pole...

imac said...

Im on the edge of my seat with fasination here Craver.

Craver Craved to be famous.

Just loved this photo.

Good job Craver dropped his camera on the ledge when he slipped over the edge.

Middle Ditch said...

That is an amazing picture. It reminded me of the day, a long, long time ago, when I rested on a mountain and a little cloud drifted past me. I could touch it. It was the weirdest sensation ever.

Craver Vii said...

Ha! If I craved fame, I'd be using my real name, Imac. Actually, I'm just a regular nut who's thrilled to enjoy your company on my crazy little edge of the planet.

Speaking of dropping the camera... to my horror, that's exactly what I did last night. Providentially, it was a short (2 ft) fall, and the camera landed on grass. I hope it didn't cause any significant damage, 'cause I really enjoy using this camera!

Hello MD and welcome! That must have been so cool to touch a cloud up in the mountains! Very interesting... your posts are all audio?

donsands said...

"I did not dare to move too close"

"So Don't Go Fallin' Over the Edge
Don't Let Your Wanderin Mind
Drive You Out of Your Head
Stay On That Fine Line
Hold On to That Thread
'cause Pain Is All You'll Find By Fallin' Over the Edge
Just Pain Plain Waitin' For You Over the Edge" -Little Feat

I thought of this song, which I hadn't heard in years.

Lavinia said...

Lovely photo. Thanks for this "postcard from the edge"...

Craver Vii said...

Yea, Don! You know, this idea must lend itself very well to songs, because when I wrote it, I had one tune in my head (It's the End of the World by R.E.M.) and most of today, I had a different song playing internally (Point of Know Return by Kansas). I am not familiar with your song. You'll have to hum a few bars if we ever get a chance to meet face to face... on this side of heaven.

What a pleasant surprise to receive a visit from the Birdbath Lady. Welcome You, and thanks for the comment!

Carletta said...

Lovely photo!

Craver U - living life on the edge!

Great post.

Every Square Inch said...

There is a bestseller book called "The Earth is Flat" thanks to you, we also know where the edge is!

When are you going to write a book and what would the title be?

Martin Stickland said...

Love that photo you crazy fool (does your Mister T still say that?)

Nice pic, hope you are ok!!!!


Daryl said...

Thank you for affirming what I KNEW was true!

Ooops sorry about the exclamation mark ... tee hee


Craver Vii said...

I have to tell you, Carletta, that you (and others) have caused uproarious laughter when you suggest that I life on the edge. I am more tame than wild, and the closest edge that I get to is probably the edge of insanity.

A book, ESI? (sigh) I just don't think I have that many words in me. I should, at the very least, draw up a map of this edge's location. Then I'll make a sign with my smiling face on it, saying, "Craver says: stand back, so no one falls off. Otherwise, have a good time near the edge. Just not too near, okay?"

Martin, as much as I love hearing an English accent, it just tickles me to death, when I hear an Englishman imitating an American accent. Your "Mr. T" is spot on. And I am SO not ok... never have been, but I'm learning to deal with it. ;-)

Somehow Daryl, I knew you knew. That's okay about the exclamation mark... I collect them.

Shammickite said...

Have you been talking to the Flat Earth Society people again?
maybe you should show them the photo, they would be delighted, it's asuperduper photo!!

Texas Travelers said...

I love this post.

If the earth is flat, what happened to Australia? Is is not to be referred to as "down under" anymore?



Raven said...

What a wonderful shot! Really magical... and to have found the edge of the earth like that. Very cool.

L.L. Barkat said...

You took this marvelous, marvelous picture? I absolutely love it. I really do.