There was a soggy newspaper smack-dab in the middle of the driveway. Hmmm, that would be the spanish one that I never read. It usually has a tacky hoochie-momma on the front cover. No thanks; I'll take it to the recycling bin right away..
Normally, I don't go anywhere without socks and shoes, but right now, I'll fetch the newspaper just as I am. Bedhead, pj's (shorts) and I probably have crusty eyes, but who cares. Tiptoeing slowly, I feel every little twig and pebble under my sensitive city-boy feet. I'm sure I look ridiculous, but nobody's out to take notice..
Yup. I was right, and the newspaper is thoroughly drenched! It's remarkably heavy for it's size. That's all the water of course..
I take a moment to remember those who I said I would pray for. It appears that the flowers this morning shed tears of sympathy. The tears of my friends are real. God knows their need and I trust Him, however He chooses to answer..
The wet grass and gentle breeze was nice, but as I wipe my feet inside the front door I notice someone is toasting cinnamon bread. That's worthy of another deep breath!
I love the fresh air but it's hard to compete with cinnamon bread
i enjoyed this bit of life sharing. thanks.
Nice description of waking up to a damp morning.
But really Craver, you still wear those Star Wars Pyjamas?????
You said it all very well. Nice post!
I think you've described a perfect morning here. And most poetically. Very well done indeed.
No kidding, ESI. That is yummy when we have it, but it goes soooooo fast!
Thank you, NaNcY. I enjoyed putting the experience to words, but it wouldn't be much without my friends reading it. You give me such a boost!
I didn't think you could see my jammies from that far North, Shammy. Can I tell you a secret? My wife got some Grinch flanels for me. They're my favorite. Shhhh...
Dot and Lavinia, your comments are encouraging. Maybe I should write more. I have lots of stories about how bad my siblings were, and the trouble they would get themselves into. Just kidding... I'm getting ready for a family reunion this week, and if I had such stories, this would be bad timing. They might read it and try to get revenge. ;-)
in spite of the drenched paper it sounds liek every other part of the morning was a beautiful start. ahhh, the pause that refreshes.
Lovely descriptions, and I love the dripping lily.
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