Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sky Watch Friday!

'Morning Sunshine!


six A.M. at church

the band practices early

our sun says hello


It would actually be more correct to say that I went to drop a vocalist off at 6AM; the picture was snapped closer to 7AM. But that would mess up the haiku. Earlier this week, I posted photos of a sundog. Do you know what that is? Scroll down or click on the link to check it out.


Click on the SkyWatch logo to see more sky photos.


Carver said...

Those are beautiful shots. I don't thinking I've ever met someone whose name is Craver although I've been called that name before, even though it's also masculine sounding. I'm a woman and a lot of people don't expect my name to be Carver so I get called Carla, Carmen, Carter, Carson and occasionally Craver. Nice to meet you Craver. Cheers, Carver

Anonymous said...

nice sunrise

Guy D said...

Very nice pic

2sweetnsaxy said...

Nice shots! I love sunrises and one of these days I'm going to get up early enough to actually catch one. :-D

Anonymous said...

These are such lovely photos!

imac said...

Great shot my friend, you mean to say you didnt go and sivg

Carletta said...

Beautiful Craver!
X marks the spot!
Great job on the haiku.

Have a great weekend!

Alan Pulley said...

Nice shots! I really like the one peaking through the flower garden.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Good morning sunshine you lokk beuatiful today.

Louise said...

That looks like a humid sky. (Somewhat) fond memories. (Not fond memories of humidity, but fond memories of the sky they produce.) Subtly pretty, and I love it.

Jeanne said...

Beautiful shots and worth being up at that hour for. Love your sun dog shots. Had the pleasure to see one myself once but unfortunately couldn't capture it as you did. The memory remains though.

Anonymous said...

nice sun rise

Gemma Wiseman said...

Beautiful pics! And I love the humour in your comment follwing the haiku! Great post!

Cláudia said...

Beautiful shots! I can smell the morning coming!

EG CameraGirl said...

The band practices at 6 in the morning? Oh, I sure hope everyone plays on aching head! I'd need a few aspirin to go with my morning coffee. ;-)

Nice photo, though, ;-) Happy Sky Watch!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

wonderful pic :) beautiful morning ~

Photo Cache said...

this perks up one's day better than caffeine. nice.

Kim said...

beautiful colors! did you use a filter for the *star* effect??
Happy SWF!

Craver Vii said...

Nope. No filter. I always get that "X" when I aim at a bright light.

preacherman said...

I am going to use these photo's as a yoga tonight.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

the morning light is so delicate and pretty

Angie said...

Lovely pics, Craver.I'm off now to find out what a sundog is!

Angie said...

Now I know what a sundog is! Thanks for that Craver.

SandyCarlson said...

What a wonderful way to start the day! Lovely greeting.

L.L. Barkat said...

Lovely sunrise.

I keep wishing I'd wake up earlier here, to take a picture of the sun rising over Marseilles. But my jet lag continues to rule.

Arija said...

Nice sunrise shots directly into the sun. Aren't you glad you had to get up early?

mommanator said...

hey craver did ya notice the flower one sorta looks like 1/2 of a heart? interesting pretty!

Daryl said...



DeniseinVA said...

Great photos, always a pleasure to look at them.

becky aka theRAV said...

You had a golden one like I did. I have been playing around with the sun glasses idea that you shared. That is so much fun. Thanks for sharing it.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: I really love the first shot with the horizon.

Anonymous said...

Why would you want to drop off a vocalist that early in the morning? Obviously someone you know.

- Stranger in (blog)town

Craver Vii said...

Greetings, Stranger. Well, there are two vocalists in my house that it could have been. Without mentioning names, it's the one I'm married to. ;-)

Leslie: said...

I haven't been up that early in ages! So thanks for reminding me what a sunrise looks like. lol

Mona said...

wow! I like the 'cross' the sun makes over the church :)

In the second picture the same cross gets narrowed and brighter!

Great Juxtapositioning of the two :)

Jules~ said...

I love the sun and red flowers together. And I completely understand about the time change. We certainly cannot have a haiku messed up.

Anonymous said...

Poetic license works when you need the right number of syllables. Cool pics.