We went to a fantastic and cozy event with the gifted singer/songwriter/author
Michael Card. He sang some new songs and some old ones. One special highlight was when he sang a couple of his Christmas songs.
Emmanuel and
Joseph's Song are two of my favorites. He is very thoughtful about how he goes about putting his songs together.

In between songs, he talked about how a mother knows her baby's cry. When he cries one way, it means he's hungry; another way means he's tired, etc. Meanwhile, to the rest of us, it probably all sounds like the same cry. I got to thinking about the Great I Am, humbling Himself to that extent. He emptied Himself of His glory and had to cry as he waited for his swaddling cloths to be changed. Doesn't that blow your mind? All this (and more) because He wanted to bring the way, the truth and the life to all who would believe.
Señor Card said something funny. At one point, he referred to himself as an "affirmation junkie." Hey Mike, me too! Hello, my name is
Craver, and I'm an affirmation junkie. Everybody: "Hello Craver."
And put himslef on the cross for all of OUR sins!
Hello, mis mejores deseos para tí, God bless you...
True dat, Mommanator!
Gracias Avenida Tres. (translation: original comment said "best wishes" and I replied with a thank you)
good photos, good times
Michael Card! He was an early inspiration for me as a young Christian. Especially his LP, "Know You in the Now".
That song touched me, and still does.
Thanks for sharing this Christmas Card Craver.
!Feliz Navidad!
Oh, I would have loved to be there. He's one of my favorite performing artists. Good musician and just overall a very personable... person! :)
Love Michael Card - I used to listen to more of his music but haven't for a while. I love the depth of the songs he writes. He has a unique gift of highlighting both the beauty and irony of the cross.
I love his new album of hymns and the one just preceding it. And really all his music.
We publish his albums now, his latest ones, and he is with us in that regard at RBC Ministries where I work, with Discovery House.
I met him at long at last (have gone to his concerts in years past) over at RBC Ministries. I was reading and rereading Bonhoeffer's "Life Together" and he happened to be listening to it at the time so we had a (relatively short, I'm sure) conversation on that. I really like him as a person.
Hey, and nice photo of you and he and his wife. I'm sure that was a wonderful evening. If there's one artist I'll make an effort to go and see, it would be him (not to put others down at all).
Actually Ted, that's my wife in the photo. (His wife did not attend that day.) Ain't she purdy?
"Joseph's Song" has always been one of my favorites.
Wow! What an inspiration!
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