Until now. I picked up a slave flash trigger for thirty-three bucks. This can be used as far as 100 feet away, and I would like to experiment with some shots where the flash is strategically positioned. But I also wanted to be able to bounce the flash off the ceiling and/or use a bigger flash on top of my camera. In order to activate the trigger, the infrared receiver needs to "see" another flash go off. It looks like a monstrosity, but I am eager to see how it works..

The unit came in last week, but I haven't found occasion to use it yet. I hope to experiment with portraits next Sunday.
Looks like its gonna be "Flash happy Craver".
Have fun.
Nice idea to a general problem. I have an old Powerful Panasonic Flash from my analogue days I could use as a slave. Please keep me up to date on the progress!
just dont let the camera get bigger than you teehee
Yup. Until now Imac, I barely even flashed a smile.
Your presence is an honor RuneE. I certainly hope to find a snapshot or two to highlight the use of this new gadget.
Bigger than me, Mommanator? Too late. ;-)
waiting to see what you light up
Far too complicated for my tiny walnut sized brain to understand.... sorry! Not saying that I'm a dinosaur where cameras are concerned but.... well...
Craver: Did you and Rube Goldberg come from the same mold?
nAncY, I tried it last night, as I followed a skunk out in the dark. I managed to snap a shot without getting sprayed.
You're being far too modest, Shammy. Any time you want to offer a critique or suggestion, know that I respect your opinion. :-)
Rube Goldberg?! (lol) Those machines of his were fascinating, Fishing Guy. No, my contraptions will have less parts.
it's franken-camera!
hehe, have fun experimenting though.
This kind of information is invaluable to me. I really am going to have to take a few photography classes in the future. Thanks for sharing.
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