There was a time when we local homeschoolers looked like we came from the same cookie-cutter. All the gals wore denim jumpers. I didn't mind that we were associated with that look, but I celebrate a more diverse look today.

Craver clan went to the
Illinois Christian Home Educators' Family Camp this weekend. I think each of us had lots of fun in our own way. As for me, I came home with a couple nice macro shots, but I especially enjoyed the diversity of people that is being represented in our group. We have a lot of the same interests, in that we are homeschoolers and we are predominately from a theologically conservative strain of Christianity. But it is good to see a little bit of ethnic diversity. There was one mom who had a shawl that looked tie-dyed. I saw her wearing a top that was not the old standard denim "uniform." It was more like a dashiki. She had a dragon tattoo above her ankle, and I thought it was pretty cool. (She kinda reminded me of a certain blogger from Pennsylvania.)
Generally, I'm not a big fan of tattoos, but I like to see people with different preferences work together for a higher goal, and especially when they can retain their individuality while appreciating others.

This little boy was not paying attention to the speaker, but preferred to play with pebbles in the dirt. He is biracial. People used to warn me about letting my children get cozy with other skin-types. "What if they decide to marry and have children?" That was their mantra. Well, I happen to think that biracial children have an intriguing look about them and all children are beautiful regardless.
Hasta later, Friends!
good stuff, craver.
it is good to see the good part of our differences.
Neat shots Craver, and nice to see all people can get along together.
That's one fancy tattoo!
"People with different preferences work together for a higher goal" - a wonderful concept Craver. :)
My little grandbabies are part Hispanic and I wouldn't have them any other way. I could be just a tad bit biased; but I think they are beautiful!
i can't imagine who on earth the tie dye and dashiki wearing lady reminded you of. ;)
when we moved to trinidad and some more biased people i knew asked me, "what if your daughter grows up and marries one of them?" i used to smile ear to ear and say, "then i get beautiful grandbabies!"
Craver: Diversity is part of life and for me it is a good reason for children to attend public schools.
Amen nAncY. There is beauty in some diversity.
Not all people do, but all kinds can, right Imac?
Yeah, I like that tattoo, Carletta. Is there anything quite like the relationship between little children and their grandma? I'll bet you're an awesome grandmother!
Right on Lime! Though Diana's skin is so fair it would be a supreme challenge for the wedding photographer. But that's okay... it's not about the photographer anyway.
Fishing Guy, we must each act on our own convictions to do whatever we think is right for our children. So if you choose public school for your kids, I support your right to make that selection. I was in public school from K to 3. It was not a good experience for me, but I know that home schooling is not for everyone. Anyway, I am glad that you have found a way to appreciate others who are different.
The local community in and around Toronto includes people of all colours, races, creeds, ethnicity, languages and origins, so if you worry about your children becoming friends with children who come from a different background, then you'd have to keep your children locked in the basement for ever! Personally, I embrace the wonderful world of differences.
I wonder if the tattoo lady knew you were going to post her ankle on the internet??
Good question. Well, the tattoo lady will probably never even know, and I'm sure that if she ever did find out, the photo was not used in an incriminating way. All I know about her is that she is from this state.
Dear Shammy, I hope you don't think we (the Cravers) only associate with "our own kind." Does your local community include homeschoolers? I hope so.
My children make friends with lots of other children, and the culture that shapes their social behavior is primarily influenced by my wife and myself. We endeavor to show them how to treat all people right, based on God's command to love our neighbor, and not by ethnicity, socio-economic status, etc.
"Intriguing look." I've never though of it like that, but I've always though biracial (no matter what combination of races) were always in a way more beautiful than "us"--the white (in my case, lily white) children of the world. I have a cousin who is half-Chinese. There are a lot of good-looking people in my family, but he is by far the most handsome (in my opinion). When I was growing up, the mantra I heard was, "We don't have a problem with black and white people getting married, but their children suffer." I was too young to disrespect my elders by arguing, but very young I wondered, "Why do they suffer? Because YOU think they will and will treat them differently." Open-mindedness is the key to not just happiness, but survival. (This coming from a very conservative, fundamental Christian.)
Wonderful post with great photos. I always remember one friend's comment when we were looking at a very sweet biracial child. She said, "There's hope for the world yet!"
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