Patriots Park -- Downers Grove, IL
This was a preview for the weekend from the drive home on Friday! (I squished it down, just for fun.) The park was empty (probably because the hours preceding had been dismal), but as the sun went down I turned
Check it out... My grandson received a gift from his other grandparents. This outfit is so cute, I had to share it with you. In case you didn't know it, they're HUGE Star Wars fans.
He's already for tricks and treats.
We had rain for four day, and now it's sunny again. I wonder if our Sunset here in Maryland, which was really nice, is the same one you all had?
I think that "already" should be "all ready", alrighty. Or is that all righty.
“Named must your fear be before banish it you can.”
That's the best baby hat I have EVER seen!
Craver: Those are some neat ears.
Hmmm. I'm smiling and wondering what your grandson is going to say in a dozen years when he sees this photo. ;-)
It's a gorgeous sky. Love the hat. And he's a cutie.
Righty-o, Sandman! I imagine your weather to be similar to mine, except you're probably five degrees warmer.
Hahaha--I can just imagine you doing the Yoda voice, too nAncY.
Thanks Shammy. I'm the only grandparent who is not biologically connected, but he's a cutie anyway. Maybe if we put a moustache on him, he'd look more like me.
Or hairy ears, Fishing Guy... that would make him look more like this grandpa.
Oh EG, I imagine he will see quite a collection of Halloween costumes over those twelve years.
Glad you like the hat, Gaelyn... I was thinking I should get one for myself. ;-)
What a cute little boy Craver. You must be really proud of him. :)
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