I really like Picasa's option to add text. It is handy for naming species of bug or flowers and identifying sites and landmarks.Pronounced 'CRAVER SEVEN.' An anagram generator first gave me “Rev Vicar I.” Whoa, that comes across kind of pompous, doesn’t it? But I am glad to confess certain “cravings.” Here are seven of them: God, His Word, prayer, the lost, the redeemed, Christian service, and my bride.
I really like Picasa's option to add text. It is handy for naming species of bug or flowers and identifying sites and landmarks.
Nice shot. Funny he didn't spit tabacco in your hand, they like to do that in Maryland. And isn't it true that the grasshooper is a lazy creature: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAd0jOuQg8o&feature=related
I was hoping to email a response to you, Sandman, but you don't have an email address in your profile. (hint, hint)
That cartoon is more scary to me than funny. "The world owes us a living." It sounds like my country today. We hear the mantra of "hope and change," but it is a shallow hope, which builds its foundation by placing our burdens on other people. Walt Disney prefaced the showing of this cartoon by reminding us that it was a story with a moral. There is a redemptive conclusion to the grasshopper's tune.
This lucky grasshopper gets to see the world from many different perspectives with so many eyes. Nice macro Craver.
That is a bad tune, you're right about that Craver.
The moral is to work hard, and yet be kind, I suppose.
the Bible says some things about ants as well.
I'll have to put my e-mail on my profile right now, if I can figure out how to do it.
I see I have great competition here now for macro work. :) Good for you!!. Maybe he was cold so the warmth of your fingers was welcome to him. :)
Great work, my friend.
Cute little devil isn't he?
I bet it would cost him a fortune if he needed glasses for all those eyes. Wonder if grasshopper medicare would cover the eye test?
My understanding Gaelyn (correct me if I'm wrong), is that there is a bit of a mystery regarding the function of the ocelli (simple eyes). Some think it only registers light and dark, and functions as a way to keep track of the horizon for flight, and others think it works like an iris, measuring the light's intensity so their regular vision can make appropriate adjustments.
I see that you figured it out, Sandman. Hooray!
Competition?? Not really, Joan. It would be more accurate to say instead that you have been great inspiration.
Thanks Imac. It was at least an excuse for me to crawl around the lawn on my belly. I seem to remember a "belly photo" of you getting a low angle from some rocks in a stream.
Glasses? What a thought Shammy!! The office visit would take forever! (lol)
Craver: Wonderful close-up, he must have been a tired grasshopper to let you hold him.
i did not know that grasshoppers had so many eyes!
What kind words. Thanks Craver. :)
That could be, Fishing Guy. Then again, maybe my real name is Dolittle, PhD.
Pretty cool, isn't it nAncY?
I'm smiling right back at you Joan.
terrific shot of the hopper! i've certainly done lots of insect shots but yours capture such great detail.
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