Wednesday, December 02, 2009

high jumps

It's a fuzzy blur how the whole thing got started, but here I was, running. Not trying to escape from anything, just running. And this was not like casual jogging either, but more like racing. Funny thing... it was effortless, and I wasn't even breathing hard. This was a residential area, and I found myself running perpendicular to the houses, so that I had to hop fences.


This is where it got really weird. (As if it wasn't already!) These fences were approximately six feet high. I wasn't hurdling or vaulting those fences. Instead, I would join both feet at the base of the fence, and from that planted position, do a clean vertical hop. Again, all of this was effortless. I have no idea how high I could have gone, and I was enjoying myself so much, I could have gone on and on!


Then I woke up. Interestingly, I got up experiencing soreness (more than usual) in both of my knees and my lower back.


mommanator said...

Somehow I knew it was a dream, jumping over fences vertically=really

imac said...

Sore when you woke up?
Dreaming , my friend?
I know nufink.

Pastor Dave said...

i had a dream where i ate a big marshmellow and when i woke up my pillow was gone!

Gaelyn said...

That's way too much exercise while sleeping Craver. Who do you think you are, Forest Gump?

Brother Greg said...

I've been lookin' for those shoes for weeks......

DeniseinVA said...

You had me going there Craver, I thought you were a Superman. Of course you are, especially with your wonderful sense of humor. I always leave smiling.

Craver Vii said...

There's no hopping fences for me any more, except for dreams, Mommanator.

Yeah, Imac. I wake up sore most mornings, but this time more than usual. Hey, I tried Foster's ale last night. I liked it. They also have a lager. Which do you prefer?

Mr. Dave... (burp!)

Run, Forest! (lol) No Gaelyn, on the contrary. I love those kind of dreams and wish for more.

Brother Greg, I pity the fool who tries to steal your shoes. The worst I could do to a thief is a taunting (a la Monte Python's Holy Grail).

So YOU'RE the one!!! Denise, I noticed that someone had been pilfering my supply of smiles. How do you expect me to keep replenished, if you keep on taking them away!

Shammickite said...

My mum said that if you eat cheese before going to bed you can expect weird dreams.
No more cheese for you, Mr Craver.

Anonymous said...

those are some weird looking birds in that tree.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: Seriously funny.