Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Freezing rain. It was the worst stuff you could drive in, but it made an interesting pattern of concentric circle highlights in the tree branches.


Since this was a low light situation and I did not want to use flash, I selected the camera's twilight setting to saturate all available illumination and it yielded this tripped-out amber hue.


EG CameraGirl said...

I love the results! You be careful out in the freezing rain, you hear!?

Darla said...

What an excellent capture!! Thank you for your comment on my medical emergency post...things will be fine...

imac said...

Nice work Craver, I like playing too lol.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: Such a neat capture under dire conditions.

Craver Vii said...

I drove home veeeeerrrrryyy slooooooowww that day, EG. The photo was with a tripod on my driveway, so if I slipped, I could at least have that to hold on to.

It is a privilege to be able to pray for blogging buddies, and to be prayed for as well, Darla. I was blessed in a similar way when my gall bladder was removed in July.

You bring fun wherever you go, Imac. I appreciate that about you.

Oh boy Fishing Guy, there were lots of fender benders that day, and I was worried about my evergreens, too! (Though the bushes in my front yard are not as important as people and their means of transportation.) Right now, I'm trying to figure out what to do about a ginormous icicle that's hanging from the gutter.

Wendy said...

Craver I LOVE it!! The colour, the pattern, the ice, just love it!

Gaelyn said...

It's a very cool image Craver. The rings behind the tree look like rings in water with sunset colors.

mommanator said...

what a beautiful pic!!!!

Craver Vii said...

That's very encouraging, Leeloo. Especially in a season where I feel too busy with other things to stop and take pictures.

Thanks Gaelyn. I just remembered that this pic was taken on the eve of Christmas eve (Dec 23) at 10 PM. Everything here was covered with the slickest ice I have ever seen. I found a few photo ops the next day.

It was especially fun for me Mommanator, because this one was right in front of my house. I love it when beauty follows me home. :-)

lime said...

it's a fantastic picture!