Friday, January 15, 2010

not cool

Man, some folks have so much class, it's just oozing out of their ears! This is the Orpheum theater in downtown St. Louis. These statues are wearing barely anything, so we have to call it art and say it's tasteful, right? Maybe yes, and maybe no. For me though, the air conditioning unit is such an eyesore, that it takes away any chance this place had at aesthetics. It gets hot inside, so what else are they do do? To cool, or not to cool, that is the question... Oh, what a tragedy!


SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

I do have to agree with you there Craver. Have they not heard of underceiling aircons? Then they could have out the unit on the roof instead but maybe the building is too high? Anyway, it is a pity to spoil the facade like that.

EG CameraGirl said...

Makes me wonder when I see something like this, that's for sure.

Gaelyn said...

Sure does break up the flow of sculptural architecture. No class.

Wendy said...

Wow, way to ruin art!! You'd think they could've put that vent, or whatever it is somewhere else..
About the statues though, they are very pretty :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: What a neat capture, the A/C is an eyesore.

lime said...

the AC unit really is place in an unfortunate spot.

imac said...

It looks a great place this theatre.
Love the Art too. Is this a back door the place?

Craver Vii said...

Maybe I am being too harsh on them. Well stated, Joan, "It is a pity."

I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, EG. I hope they were doing the absolute best they could fiscally, and lamented the difficult decision to do such a hideous thing, but I just don't know.

That's the thing Gaelyn, this supposedly in the classy part of town.

The statues are pretty Leeloo, though I would have their privates treated more modestly. Most of the statues on that building were cracked or broken, and one had completely lost an arm. Do you suppose the theater has a budget for reconstruction?

Craver Vii said...

Fishing Guy, I sure wish I could offer them an air conditioning suggestion that was just as efficient, but less gauche.

I know, Lime. I wonder if they couldn't at least paint that grill black, and mount it flush with the outside of that window. That would take something special on the inside, but not to difficult, I think.

(lol) No, this was the side of the building, if I remember correctly, Imac. I liked the art; it was just the AC units, that troubled me.