John the Baptist may not have been the smallest, but had a favorable disposition to shrinking. Of Jesus, he said "He must increase, but I must decrease [Jn. 3:30]." King Herod helped John take a few inches off the top [Mt. 14: 1-10], but I think John's intention was less literal--more like the meek attitude that Jesus would later talk about [Luke 9: 46-48]..
Admittedly, all of this is contrary to my own nature. I must constantly hold back the urge for self-promotion, and the natural inclination to build myself up for a pat on the back. (That's tricky stuff for a blogger!) It is manifested even in how I wish to have a contribution in every passing dialogue. If at first, it does not seem to be a dangerous flaw, remember that it was the sin of pride that led to Lucifer's demise. Meh, I'd say that makes it serious enough!.
Right now, I am thinking that it is preferable to willingly pursue meekness and humility, rather than having it served to me through chastising or circumstances. Chances are pretty slim that I will end up like John the Baptist anyway, right?
Craver: I don't know about that. His main job was to spread the good news. You want to also do that my friend.
Craver, I didn't realize you are one of the little people. Your secret is out.
Craver and his catapult.
Nothing small about you my friend. You have a largeness of heart and spirit which is wonderful!! Don't be afraid to pat yourself on the back, it does wonders for the soul!!
I hear what you're saying Fishing Guy, and thanks for the email clarification. That was helpful.
Good to see you, Chris! I'm glad you liked it.
Yeah Gaelyn; can you imagine little o'l me trying to work with a tripod?
Catapult?!! Oh Imac, I'm afraid of catapults. If I do not get a concussion from the launch, then the landing would certainly be my demise.
Ah, but Joan... our bodies are designed so that it is easier to give another person a pat on the back, and not so much for our own selves. I believe that was done on purpose. Thank you dear friend for being an encourager!
good day, craver :-)
excellent rumination with an amusing picture.
thanks or the gentle reminder.
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