Granted, this is not National Geographic quality. Nevertheless, I am beside myself, that I could capture such a thing with my old 2.1 megapixel camera..
Pronounced 'CRAVER SEVEN.' An anagram generator first gave me “Rev Vicar I.” Whoa, that comes across kind of pompous, doesn’t it? But I am glad to confess certain “cravings.” Here are seven of them: God, His Word, prayer, the lost, the redeemed, Christian service, and my bride.
Granted, this is not National Geographic quality. Nevertheless, I am beside myself, that I could capture such a thing with my old 2.1 megapixel camera..
Craver: What a cool capture, really neat.
Well done Craver.
I like it.
Ooooooo wow!! I love the second picture, very very nice! Snowflakes are so pretty :)
A beautiful picture of our Father's handiwork. Jolly good show.
WOW what a magic shot, so pretty and perfect.
You are an ACE PHOTOGRAPHER!! Brilliant capture Craver!!
WOW, you did it! I'm so happy for ya!
That's one more thing to cross off your bucket list!
wow! well done! and with only a 2.1 megapixel camera. very well done indeed.
Fishing Guy, you can surely imagine how rewarding it was to capture the moment so soon after getting the idea! Leeloo caught one at the same time. It is at her Project 365 blog.
I'd like to try it again, Imac. ...Perhaps during daylight hours.
If I could find a way to get better details Leeloo, this would make a good series, don't you think?
Hahahaha... you said "Jolly good show." Sandman, I marvel at things like snowflakes, but they're not very complicated, really. The things that boggle my mind are peeking into microbiology or super-giant things like galaxies, and the complexity of life. That kind of stuff is pretty heavy. It is good to be able to see something as simple as a snowflake and recognize God's "fingerprints."
Hello Glinnis! I know not from whence thou camest, but WELCOME!
Amazing shots, Craver! You did good!
I thought I was more of a compulsive meddler Joan, but your words sound so much better. You are too kind!
Yea!! C'mon Mommanator; throw your arms up, and let's do a celebratory wave. Oh, I hear that your Florida weather has been Eden-like the last few days. I'm happy to hear that; good for you!
The only thing on my bucket list Shammy, is to simplify my departure, so that people are not left with a lot of work or hard decisions. Other than that, I am ready to go at any moment. The biggest thing of course, is the assurance of eternal security. I wish I could help more people could know that peace.
Oh, but I love to flip through the ads and reviews in Popular Photography and dream, Lime!
Ah, but they were plentiful and easy to access EG. That is, once I knew that it could be done, and learned what to look for. It would be cool, if I could rig up a compact point and shoot with a microscope... now THAT would be a cool shot!
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