Monday, March 22, 2010

owatta lunai m

"Oh, what a loon I am!" Here's the story: I was out running errands on Saturday when my eyes beheld a rare treat. A hawk was playing in the air current, just floating up and down. I switched lenses and started clicking away like a madman. I even used the flash, to see if it would help record the falling snow. Then my wife said, "Isn't that a kite or something?"


Right. (groan)


owatta lunai m... owatta lunai m...




DeniseinVA said...

Awwwww, well I can understand your disappointment. I would be too in your shoes. Neat photos though :)

Chris said...

See you can sneak up on birds ;-)

imac said...

Craver - The Bird
Well at least you had a moment of thrill

donsands said...

Nice Kite, or something. Hey, let's go fly a kite.

Carletta said...

This is my favorite kind of Craver post - full of smiles!
And, I want to go buy a kite. :)

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

LOL!! You are forgiven Craver!! :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Hahaha! Too funny!

Wendy said...

Ok so this brought a smile to my face, heehee! Sean does this when he sees planes ;) You're awesome! I hope you get to see a real hawk soon :)

Craver Vii said...

Oh Denise, how can I be disappointed when it yielded such a good story to share with my friends? As for pictures of birds... all in due time.

Well Chris, I googled it, and it looks like I need to be slow, patient, and be willing to crawl on the ground.

Yes Imac. It was a thrill for a moment. It was worth it to get a chuckle out of my wife and put a sparkle in her eyes.

Sandman, would you believe I have never seen Mary Poppins? I know it's a kid's movie, but I feel like I'm missing something until I see it.

Craver Vii said...

Oh Carletta, you just want to trick bird watchers with your kite; don't you? ;-)

Forgiven is a good place to be, Joan. I love to tell people about it too. Wait... are we talking about the same thing?

You know EG, I just HAVE to laugh at myself... there is so much good material for it!

What a coincidence, Leeloo. Last night, I excitedly pointed to an airplane from our car, and said "Hey kids, LOOK! A bird!!" You'd think these kids would bellow with hearty laughter, but they hide their faces and try not to be seen with me in public. (lol)

donsands said...

Supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus Craver!!!

Mary Poppins is something you should see at least once.

Have good evening bro!

mommanator said...

you'd of fooled me! looks like a bird to me

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: Now that was some good practice for the real thing. You should be quite ready when one hovers above.