Thursday, March 18, 2010

signs of life

. There is a chill on its way over the weekend, but before it gets here, we are being treated to a few phenomenal days. The sun is shining, people (including myself) are driving with the windows open. There is an excitement in the air about everything new.


Exuberantly, life bursts forth from a tree in my backyard. A pollen-covered bee gets drunk in a crocus on St. Patrick's day. And a goose with no head (apparently) still manages to walk around with a huge tummy holding a bunch of eggs... probably golden. Right now, I just want to hop on my bicycle and feel the breeze on my face. Life is good!


Gaelyn said...

So nice to see that Spring is in the air. Soon you'll be hunting for Easter eggs.

donsands said...

That's a nice post. Thoughts of warm weather and all the life on this planet moving about is a wonderful time of year.

My pastor loves winter the most of all the seasons. Amazing to me.

I love summer first, spring second, and autumn third, and winter is fourth.

imac said...

Hey Craver, jumping for joy will send shivers through the ground.

mrs craver said...

I'm ready for Winter!!

No ice - just the cold and snow!
Nothing above 50 and nothing below 25, bring on the chilly nights for a snuggle with some hot cocoa!

Pastor Dave said...

Ahh, yes..spring is here! Time to get out our hawaian shirts and sandles,huh..

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: That goose will never make, I saw a duck with an injured leg that could swim. Missing a head is so much more serious. Good thing it has a seeing eye goose to direct it.

Craver Vii said...

Well Gaelyn, I don't hunt, unless you include fishing as a type of hunting... but I could see myself going out on the lawn with a Nerf gun or rubber bands. Other than that, I'm afraid that if I started hunting, I would want to put too much time and money into it... both of those resources are scarce these days.

Sandman, I like summer and winter too, but my favorite season is autumn. I think, because when I was little, I loved going back to school. After a hard winter, early spring is most exciting.

But Imac, shouldn't the warmer weather mean LESS shivering?

Craver Vii said...

Ah, my Mrs. You are special. If it means snuggling with you, I could be content with living in Antarctica! Hot cocoa: optional.

Me too, Mr. Dave. I wear socks with sandals, how 'bout you?

"Seeing eye goose," indeed. You're cracked, Fishing Guy. I love it!!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

How wonderful that spring is/might be on its way at last. Naturally I love the bee shot most of all but I must say headless geese are a rarity. We do not seem to have any of those here. :)

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Almost forgot .... thanks for all your wonderful comments while I have been away. Gaelyn and I had a fantastic trip.

Chris said...

I would have say lucky before yesterday, but yesterday was the first day of sun in the last 20 days over here, so I will not complain....
Beautiful pictures, you used the opportunities quite well. Well done!

Wendy said...

Awesome!! That picture of the bee is adorable Craver, so cute. Spring has this magical ability to make everyone so cheery, doesn't it :) I hope you're having a great weekend!

Craver Vii said...

Hi Joan! I missed you while you were away. I left comments, wondering how you would respond... hoping it would be a blessing to you in some way. I am glad they were well received.

About the headless goose... Now that I think of it, this reminds me of the boneless chicken ranch by Gary Larson.

That's okay Chris. If you want to complain, I will listen, my friend. :-) And thank you for the compliments.

Oh, this weekend was full and nice, Leeloo. Thankfully, it was more full with family times than meetings and such. I like doing the things I do, but I love vegging out with my family even more. ...Maybe soon, we will be riding bicycles and fishing.

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely series of seasonal photographs. Does your heart good just looking at them. Golden indeed, spring is sprung even though it rained here this morning after a very beautiful weekend of sun. Those spring flowers have to drink though don't they? Have a great week :)

Carletta said...

Look at that little bee's eyes. He looks like he got caught in the act! Great shot!

dot said...

You always make me laugh with your sense of humor.

lime said...

the bee in the crocus is a magnificent shot! bravo! the colors, the crisp focus. it's just gorgeous.