It was not as easy to "find" this as I originally expected, so I do not know how many more such scenes we will happen upon.Pronounced 'CRAVER SEVEN.' An anagram generator first gave me “Rev Vicar I.” Whoa, that comes across kind of pompous, doesn’t it? But I am glad to confess certain “cravings.” Here are seven of them: God, His Word, prayer, the lost, the redeemed, Christian service, and my bride.
It was not as easy to "find" this as I originally expected, so I do not know how many more such scenes we will happen upon.
Craver: Your friend sure got some Spider-man powers with the squirrel bite.
that is one giant squirrel tale.
*sings* Squirrel Man, Squirrel Man, Doing just what a squirrel can..
Spider-man powers?? He should be so lucky, Fishing Guy. Naw, it was just squirrel powers. We have yet to ascertain what exactly those will be.
Sure nAncY, after all, what would a squirrel be without a big, fluffy tale?!
That's the ticket, Leeloo. C'mon everybody, sing along!
Excellent humor!!! And incredible shot ;-)
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