Thursday, June 24, 2010

1.21 gigawatts

(I wish I could hide this photo until after you finished reading.)


Great Scott!! Who would have thought that I could capture another lightning image so soon?! I did this one the same as the other lightning pic, except that these exposures were much shorter. This is the image I had been hoping for all along... one bold streak of lightning, not the thin fingers like the ones in yesterday's post. Believe me, I hightailed it out of there as soon as I got this shot. Two minutes after this, I was driving in strong winds, blinding rain and even hail. Before I reached home, the sky was green, so I went for shelter. The temperature itself dropped to a comfortable level, which is nice, because I don't care for hot and muggy.


After the rain, we got a beautiful sunset and a rainbow. I need to clean out my camera, because I let debris inside while changing lenses.


Okay, now you may go back and look at the picture. ;-)


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: Wonderful capture, your timing was perfect.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Darn but this is brilliant!! WOW Craver, you sure did it this time my friend. Bravo!!

HappyK said...

Wow, that is one powerful looking lightening bolt!! Super capture!!

Craver Vii said...

Thank you Fishing Guy. I am especially proud of having the good sense to get out of there immediately after getting this shot. Things got bad real fast after that.

(big grin) Thank you Joan. I tried to send it to the local news, but their server was down. Maybe I'll try again today.

Happyone, it's exactly what I was hoping for in the previous storm. Thanks for the nice comment.

George said...

Although I like the photo in the previous post, this one is absolutely superb. It's one of the best pictures of lightning that I've ever seen. I'm glad you got back home safely.

Shammickite said...

I never could spell.

Gaelyn said...

This is Amazing Craver. Nice shot. Glad you got out of there in the nick of time.

Craver Vii said...

That was a very nice thing to say, George. Thanks.

You're so funny, Shammy. Gracias.

Purdy near toasted my skivvies, Gaelyn! I hope you are coping well with the nearby fire. I'll need to keep that situation in prayer.

imac said...

I'm green man, real green.
What a beauty.

Carletta said...

The previous one is no less amazing but this one - WOW!
I'm leaving now, I'll be in the green corner with Imac. ;)

It was nice finding you in my comments today.

Craver Vii said...

Speaking of bolt, Bird Girl, I almost threw the tripod (with camera still mounted) into the back seat as I bolted out of there. I heard that people who get struck by lightning feel a static buildup just before, and my adrenaline was surging as I expected my hair to stand on end at any moment.

Green Imac??? Don't leprechauns come from that other island? ;-)
I'm glad you like the shot.

A green Carletta with blond hair... isn't there a comic book superhero that looks like that? I always enjoy your visits.

DeniseinVA said...

Brilliant in so many ways!!! Have a great weekend Craver and thanks for stopping by and giving me a morning smile.

lime said...

wow! that is impressive! zowie!

Chris said...

Fantastic capture, you got it man.... Your patience was rewarded

EG CameraGirl said...

YOU are amazing! I have never, never, NEVER captured lightning with my lens...and yes, I HAVE tried!

Craver Vii said...

What a lovely comment! Denise, your visits bring their own rays of sunshine and encourage me to sustain a cheery attitude. Thanks for that.

Lime, I'm glad you liked it. The capture was a big thrill.

Merci beaucoup Chris. You should have seen me jump around like I had just scored a winning goal. Well, maybe not so much... I was in a hurry to get out of there. :-)

Did you bump your head, EG? The capture was providential, but I do not have the level of giftedness that the Lord bestowed upon you. Your images have consistently been exemplary works of art. YOURS is the photography I look to for inspiration. As for the severe weather, I'm not in a hurry to get another one. :-)

Thank you Lord for these friends who inspire and encourage me.