Monday, October 04, 2010


I don't usually take pictures of my food, but the light was right, and I wanted to tell you about this one.


How do you fix a bratwurst? I have a rule about hot dogs: mustard-yes, ketchup-no. My favorite is a Chicago dog: Vienna Beef on a poppy seed bun with everything, including sport peppers; hold the celery salt. But I digress. What about grilled brats?


Looking in the refrigerator, I was delighted to find that we had leftovers from Chinese food. So, starting with grilled plum tomato spears, I also grilled sweet and sour peppers and pineapple to give it something special as well as balance out the hot giardiniera. The flavor was so good I don't know which I liked best, the brat or the toppings!


The bun was lightly oiled (from the giardiniera) and seared on the grill. I treated myself to a bottle of Sam Adams Oktoberfest. Mmmmm... that was good eatin'!


Gaelyn said...

Looks good and different, but give me a real Chicago Vienna with mustard, tomatoes, pickles and celery salt. Fries on the side please.

Chris said...

I guess so! Looks like excellent!

Anonymous said...

Good clear shot, Craver!

George said...

You're making me hungry! It sure looks good. I think this is a wonderful photo, as well.

S said...

I came by to hug your tree.
Now see, there is something we can agree upon, Mustard, NO ketchup, EVER!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Somehow I did not receive my invitation Craver. You DID sent it didn't you? :)

mommanator said...

ya know when I first looked the pic I thought they were straw- berries in that pita!
And the pioc is great

Shammickite said...

Excuse me, my mouth is watering at the thought... slurp... oh no! I just dribbled on my clean shirt....
It's all your fault Craver.

Craver Vii said...

I took a chance Gaelyn, and was thrilled with the result. Yeah, those Chicago style dogs are good, aren't they?

Si bon!! If you like spicy foods Chris, try them with a little bit of pineapple or mango.

Thanks! It's like I said Rachel Grace, the light was right. I just set the plate on my deck and snapped one shot.

Believe it or not George, I was the only one to feast on this. Sunday afternoons is a free-for-all, so we each ate different lunches. Nobody else in my home likes spicy food.

Craver Vii said...

Delighted to see you, S. I was talking about music with some friends last night. They liked your bumper sticker about "not being old."

I guess that's still en route Joan. I'd love to sit with you for a meal some time. :-)

Neither strawberries nor pita, Mommanator. But if I used a pita, I would have put the meat and toppings on a plate, tearing pita "chips" one at a time. I like eating pitas that way.

(grin) That was cute, Shammy. Thanks.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: Glad I already ate, that looks delicious.