Wednesday, October 06, 2010

fall foliage at 6 pm

Many evening photographs are taken into the sun for spectacular sunsets or dramatic silhouettes. This one was more like ninety degrees away from the sun. That is a good angle to use a polarizing filter, because the sky comes out darker.


The trees are tallish in this stretch of my daily commute. The amber rays from the setting sun broke through a gap in the trees on my right, and lit up these red Maple leaves. The scenery almost looked fabricated, as if the coloring was boosted with saturation (but it wasn't). Perhaps it was the queen's gardeners (from Alice in Wonderland) who painted the leaves such a brilliant hue of red.


Chris said...

Beautiful fall foliage, it is almost gone here cause we have too much wind. Excellent picture and I guess you were right to use a polarized filter.

HappyK said...

That is beautiful. I think maple trees have the prettiest leaves.

George said...

This is a beautiful autumn scene. Evening is a wonderful time to get great pictures, as you know.

Gaelyn said...

This is a beautiful splash of fall color and stands out well against the green. Nice drive by shooting.

Craver Vii said...

I have to figure out how to take better pictures in high wind, Chris. Any suggestions?

My wife has wanted a red maple for a long time, Happyone. For now, we will try to be content with our Honey Locust.

That's why I rarely bring the camera outside when the sun is straight overhead, George. I like it to be early or late.

I laughed at the "drive by shooting" comment, Gaelyn. Truth be told, I pulled over and got out of the car for this one.

donsands said...

Hey, us Marylanders don't have colors yet. But they are on the way.

Thanks for sharing that Craver. Nice. Made me smile. I love Autumn.

Pastor Dave said...

nice! this is my favorite time of year for taking pics!

mommanator said...

How pretty I wont be seeing those hues in Florida, only by pic !

Craver Vii said...

You'll have your kaleidoscope of colors soon enough, Sandman. One of my friends saw this and said that, "God provides for our enjoyment everyday." I think it would be more correct to say that "God provides for His own glory every day, and isn't amazing that He allows us to appreciate it?"

Mr. Dave, your pics have been so much fun. I like the ones from the zoo as much as the animals you find in the wild.

Oh, I imagine I could collect a briefcase full of 'em, Mommanator! (lol)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: Neat capture of the fast changing foliage.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

This is so pretty Craver. The only bad part about is that it heralds another cold Chicago season coming up. I dont know how you manage to survive through it was those cold winds off the Lake.

Carletta said...

Beautiful color!
I haven't seen any color like that yet. It's been so dry and leaves falling that I'm not sure we'll see much.

Shammickite said...

Aren't we lucky to see colours like that? Trees like that make my eyes smile!

imac said...

Beautiful colours Craver, and its good to see you are a man who like me enjoys his

Happy Sun - Day.

DeniseinVA said...

You've caught some spectacular fall colors there Craver. We don't have them quite as vibrant just yet.

Craver Vii said...

Fishing Guy, it seems even faster when you try to get it in a certain light. I'm glad for that sunny day.

Cold? It's only cold outside, Joan. I spend most of my time inside. ;-)

Truth be told, I'm looking forward to cooler days, even if it means putting up with a harder or "longer" winter.

The wind makes it difficult for me to take pictures Carletta. I still haven't taken any pics that use the wind to my advantage.

Craver Vii said...

And knowing that your eyes smile Shammy... that makes me smile. Cheers, my friend!

Then Imac you will be glad to know (as am I) that there will be food in heaven. The Bible speaks of a banquet. I wonder what that will be like. Hey, I could save you a spot at the same table.

Those vibrant colors will soon be showing up as macro photographs, Denise. The lawns are starting to become crunchy with fallen leaves.