Friday, October 15, 2010

gold rush

The sparkle was nearly blinding under these golden Honey Locust trees. Say, the gold market is up now, isn't it? (Can you imagine how many people would be out there raking other people's lawns if these tiny leaves were made from the valuable ore?) Maybe I should bring a couple bags of this stuff, and a few silver strands of hair to barter for cameras and lenses, eh?


Chris said...

Wow yes it is like gold. I love autumn for this nice color it offers ;-)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: Just accept the beautiful show.

George said...

These are beautiful colors. The gold and the blue certainly look great together.

Gaelyn said...

I like that idea. Hey, I'll trade you 2 bags of golden aspen for your locust.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

LOL!! Good idea you have there Craver. They say our streets are paved with gold so I am in on the trading. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that IS beautiful! Maybe you could give some of what you trade in gold to the church....that is, if the leaves were actual gold. :)

mommanator said...

you are such a card!

lime said...

have i mentioned this is my favorite season? thank you for capturing it so beautifully.

HappyK said...

Beautiful golden leaves. Looks so petty against the blue sky!!

Craver Vii said...

Chris, that is one of the benefits of loving in this climate. My parents live in Florida because they cannot tolerate the cold (health issues), but unfortunately, they miss the beauty of fall, "magic" (snow) of winter, and exuberance of spring.

Until I find someone who will trade multi-thousand dollar lenses for bags of "golden" leaves, I will have to do just that Fishing Guy. But while I recognize the value of nice equipment, I certainly appreciate the blessings I have, and try to teach my family the blessing of contentment.

George, the blue sky was the first thing that I noticed that afternoon. Then, when looking for a good contrast, I was stunned by the brilliant color of these leaves.

Those are beautiful leaves, Gaelyn. a pile of golden aspen leaves makes me yearn for peaches.

Craver Vii said...

Joan, did you hear about they guy who was allowed to bring his treasures to heaven? When he got there with his heavy treasure chest, they asked him, "Why did you bring pavement?"

Wouldn't that be great, Rachel Grace? If only I could do something like that and fund the next missions project or help a family with hospital bills!

Perhaps, Mommanator. But then the question is, which card?

Mine too, Lime. I like the fall pic you posted. I hope your camera search goes well.

Thank you Happyone. My eyes were soaking up lots of beautiful landscapes that evening.