She put some nuts in the feeder, and we stood in the kitchen, watching, while the birds just kept coming. I went out there with my camera and waited. They may have thought I was too close, so I pulled my jacket over my head, and tried to hold very still. Eventually, they came back. I especially liked this little Red-Breasted Nuthatch..
We call this the squirrel feeder because those squirrels think this is for them. True to form, the squirrels also joined the party..
It was a good time to just sit there and wait. I needed to simply be still. I was glad for a time of refreshment.
This is a great way to keep from blowing apart.
Woow cool, I hope you will see many other species but it is already nice to see these two and get pictures of them... Well done!
Jays are brilliant looking with those different tones of blue feathers.
We have a few that come and visit us, as my wife sets peanuts in the shell for them.
Nice pics Craver.
Have a joy filled Thanksgiving my friend, and brother in Christ our Lord.
Yeah Gaelyn, I felt like I really needed that.
Chris, while trying to identify the Nuthatch, I found a photo of a man who feeds them by hand. That would be fun!
It is a beautiful bird Sandman. It would be cool if I could get a close shot in sharp focus. Happy thanksgiving, Bro!
Great shots Craver, I really like that nuthatch :)
I hope everything is alright!
i'm glad you got some refreshment. i do know what you speak of with regard to trying times. wishing you better days ahead.
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